Hello, in my current project, I have no lag or frame drops under normally circumstances, but as soon as a bring up the AI debugger (trying to create new enemy types) the game freezes for about 20 seconds for every one second of non frozen runtime. I have used all sorts of performance monitoring tools I can think of to try and determine the problem and found nothing. It is only while the AI debugger is active and there is at least 1 AI in the scene, the issue has only recently come up, with as far as I know no changes to any of the AI that might have caused it. Makes debugging AI all but impossible, not entirely sure what to show as far as screenshots here, but any assistance would be useful (Using blueprints)
Try with the command: ‘stat unit’
It shows the load on CPU and GPU per frame. Sometimes it is a good starting point.
When running stat unit, frame & game jump to ~1200, and my system hits 100% memory usage after about a minute then the editor crashes, and after some more testing, I have found that the same problem occurs when running the game in editor, pausing it, and trying to select any object in my hierarchy, so it may not be related to the AI Debugger specifically.
Engine stalls until crash when-
AI debugger is used
Object is selected during game running
Stat unit shows frame & game at ~1200 ms
PC memory usage steadily rises until crash
Happens in empty project (with at least an AI controller to debug, or an object to select)
I have found more problems than answers
your assistance is appreciated!
Looks like you have some loop in your approach to debug.
Can you please share some screenshots of the AI debug and config?
I just had one of the other devs load the project and they can use the AI debugger and details panel normally in the same project without any issues.
AI Debugger:
(This is a screenshot I took at the same time as opening the AI debugger, so the stat unit hasn’t updated yet, if I take any longer, it hangs so bad that I’m unable to screenshot
Not sure what config screenshots you would like, this is my config folder, as far as I know all of the files that should be there are present, as to each contents im not well versed in that.
Additionally here are some project settings that may be more useful:
Mostly just debugger controls here but:
Crash Screen:
Thank you again for your assistance!