AI Cutting down Trees by Order (ALS v4)

Having fun with AI’s and ALS

Hope you like it


Timberrrrr! :laughing:

Well done, @zack33! Is this creation the basis for a game you are developing?

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Hey there pal, Well i surly hope so, im not rushing the process but i do got an idea up my head though life got its own plans

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I know it’s only a few assets but definitely love the art style you’ve gone with so far. Plus the animations on the tree cutter are absolutely brilliant. Really hope to see more development with this! :grinning:


I hear you, there. Hopefully, life’s circumstances will work more in your favor so we can see more of the neat things you got cooking up! No rush, though. :sunglasses:

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Changed the Tree a bit, now the AI get’s each log and placing it in the stockpile (which is yet to be coded so its just a preview mesh) (1)




Always loved seeing the development process of little things like this. The game already seems so charming and full of character :slight_smile:

-Sending you all the support and well wishes!


Had to redone the “entire” project so upgraded to ue5 on the way cause whyy not?!

Added the ability to “talk” and command them to act, able to spawn a point of interest and select which tree to cut.

Hope you like it a lot more to be done but its starts to get some shape


Thanks Panda it really mean the world to me, hope to keep updating and maybe some day to actually create something from it, any how thanks again!


The Project has changed radically, first person, Singleplayer (For now) and more

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WOW, this is quite the upgrade! Your creation is taking upon a life of its own before our eyes, and I could not be more excited! I’m curiously awaiting your next update; keep up the great work. :star_struck:

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Hey there guys ive opened a new Topic which focued and titled better, if your interested in the porject you are welcomed to follow the new thread!

The new Thread

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