I recently started working with AI, Behaviour Trees and Blackboards. I followed the Basic AI tutorial by Tesla and got it all working so far.
Now the character twitches here and there when he walks. It is like he is trying to get to another animation just for a quarter of a second or so. Sometimes it occurs multiple times in a row and is therefore really apparent.
Has anyone encountered this kind of problem before?
If you mean by “flicker” that it quickly switches from one task to another, then no… but is seems like the “points”, which indicate the direction of execution are lagging a little bit when the the animation is stuttering. But they stay on the “Move To” node the whole time.
Ai debug is turned on during runtime by pressing the ’ key, and it also has some other functionality as well. If you look above the basic data screen when that comes up. You will see a text of commands to see more data.
The Problem seems to be the Speed-Value I am feeding into the Blendspace inside the AnimGraph. It is calculated this way (inside “Event Blueprint Update Animation”):
Is your navagation mesh static or dynamic? Does his velocity get higher than your max blend space? If so he might be trying to reset his speed. And also does his path re-adjust when hes doing this glitchy movement?
My navigation mesh is dynamic due to the size of the map.
The speed shouldn’t get higher than the blendspace. That is the weirdest thing. When he runs, the glitches don’t appear. Only when he walks. When previewing inside the blendspace, there are no issues either.
As far as I can tell, he doesn’t re-adjust his path during the glitching. This happens while he is patroling. The Behaviour tree only finds a random location and then sticks to the “Move To” node until he reaches his destination.
I finally figured this out! The problem is your Mesh is affecting the dynamic navigation map. Make sure on your mesh or whatever has collision “Can ever affect navigation” is UNchecked. Then the twitching should stop.
I’m having the same problem as stated above. It happens when i use dedicated server and the blendspace is feeded jerky speed values. Is there any other solution to this other then the LERP thing?