AI Chaos Vehicle Physics Issues on Client (Dedicated Server

I experience strange behavior on AI Chaos Vehicles In multiplayer.

When playing with a listen server and a client, as long as the server is in render distance to the vehicles, the vehicles will spawn fine.
When playing on a dedicated server, the first vehicle will spawn fine, and the second will get stuck on some collisions (this only happens if a vehicle already spawned at that same location)

The Vehicles inherit from Wheeled Vehicle Pawn and are set up correctly, everything works perfectly as long the server is within culling distance.
I also tested setting them to Always Relevant but had no success.

Maybe someone came across that issue and knows a solution.
I attached a video showing the issue.

I also tested this with the Vehicle Template in P2 and ue5-main source code, both with the same results.


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After spending too much time on this the easiest way was to revert back to PhysX on Unreal 5, which has been proven to work without any problems.
I hope they fix Chaos Vehicles AI multiplayer support one day.

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Did you find workaround for chaos vehicles because in UE5. 1 there is no physics plugin I suppose. Also this is not only with multiplayer. I am facing this in single player ai cars as well.