I have created a Behavior tree that uses a “blackboard based condition” decorator to execute.
The task executed prior to the condition check sets the required bool value but there seems to be a mismatch with the BB key name (Highlighted).
Could someone kindly help with this.
Update: There is a name mismatch with the BB key selector (Trigger_Range - Bool) and the BB variable (MovementInput_Horizontal - int) its binding to.
Its hard to tell anything when its all markered in Yellow, but what i dont understand is: why do you SET the key then GET it when you can simply drag the Bool value that you SET and use it (locally) for the following branch?
The Branch was added only for visual debugging purpose to ask on the forum. Basically to make it easier to highlight that i have set the value in the previous node and retrieving it immediately after with different results. The branch itself is not part of the actual production code.
There is a name mismatch with the key selector and the BB variable its binding to.