Again, please take a look at my model inside TM, as you see the model appears transparent.I would like to know why it happens. The 3d sw is Rhinoceros 7, and the surfaces are created by nurbs (no...

Again, please take a look at my model inside TM, as you see the model appears transparent.
I would like to know why it happens. The 3d sw is Rhinoceros 7, and the surfaces are created by nurbs (no mesh).

Hello Massimo and thank you for reaching out.

Try going inside the boat and with the eye dropper, select that surface.

This should open the material menu under the TM viewer.

Once you see the material menu go to settings and enable double-sided.

This should fix the issue.

If it doesn't please us know

Thank you



it's very hard to work, attached file...

Hello Massimo, if you could please use the "contact us" to report un bug. I would love to investigate your rhino file and the workflow.

Thank you



I wrote to the support telling to see my post, the file rhino isn't accepted file (.3dm), anyway is too heavy, all my file have the same problem pratically. I discovered that if I transform the surface to solid the problem doesn't exist, but this way is impossible to follow.



From the picture, it seems to me that this is the usual bug with thin surfaces.

more here:


J’ai fait un essai rapide avec des Nurbs depuis C4d.

En import direct du fichier C4d, TM ne reconnait pas les Nurbs (peau Nurbs / NURBS Bézier / etc.) et importe un container vide (seul le matériau appliquer à la Nurbs sera identifié).

Cela me semble assez logique puisque la peau Nurbs n’est pas un maillage 3d mais une série de «spline» allant dans 2 directions (U et V). En gros les courbes (ici, les splines) sont des équations qui permettent de calculer les surfaces. Pour obtenir une géométrie physique (donc sans description mathématique comme l’est la Nurbs) il faut convertir tes Nurbs en maillage 3d (c’est ce que tu indiques dans un des tes messages).

Je ne suis pas en mesure d’affirmer que TM n’interprète pas les surfaces Nurbs (il faudrait que j’essaie avec d’autres logiciels) mais il me semble que c’est le cas. Si un membre de l’Epic Game pouvait confirmer ou infirmer ça serait pas mal (^_-). De même, je ne sais pas si le plugin TM d’import comporte une sorte de convertisseur automatique des surfaces Nurbs…là encore peut-être qu’un membre d’Epic Game peut répondre.

Evidemment, si j’exporte en fbx le fichier (sans pour autant « convertir les Nurbs en maillage) je vais obtenir la géométrie. Par principe, quand j’exporte, « j’explose » les entités géométriques faites avec des plugins ou des outils type peau Nurbs afin d’avoir des géométries type polygone quadrangle. A la longue, ça génère moins de problème d’interprétation quand on passe d’un logiciel à l’autre.





I did a quick test with Nurbs from C4d.

In direct import of the C4d file, TM does not recognize the Nurbs (Nurbs / NURBS Bézier skin / etc.) and imports an empty container (only the material applied to the Nurbs will be identified).

This seems quite logical to me since the Nurbs skin is not a 3d mesh but a series of "splines" going in 2 directions (U and V). Basically the curves (here, the splines) are equations which make it possible to calculate the surfaces. To obtain a physical geometry (therefore without a mathematical description like Nurbs) you must convert your Nurbs into a 3d mesh (this is what you indicate in one of your messages).

I can't say for sure that TM doesn't interpret Nurbs surfaces (I would have to try with other software) but it seems to me that it does. If a member of the Epic Game could confirm or deny that would be great (^_-). Also, I don't know if the TM import plugin has some kind of automatic Nurbs surface converter...again maybe someone from Epic Game can answer.

Obviously, if I export the file to fbx (without “converting the Nurbs to mesh) I will get the geometry. In principle, when I export, I "explode" the geometric entities made with plugins or Nurbs skin type tools in order to have quadrangle polygon type geometries. In the long run, it generates fewer interpretation problems when switching from one software to another.




TM version 2022.2

Windows 10 Professionnel (version 21H2).

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700F CPU @ 2.90GHz 2.90 GHz.

Carte mère : msi Mag Z490 Tomahawk.

128 Go de mémoire Ram.

Carte graphique Nvidia Geforce RTX 3070.


Hey Kjoline,

This is the best theory!

I have been reading the description of this type of problem from users for a long time, I also experience it every day with ArchiCad objects.

You should definitely write it to the developers!

Datasmith should solve these interfaces automatically.

Hello ,

Thank you for posting in the community and it seems like you are replacing the material that is "white" but is applied to the boat and water surface. If you apply the water to the ocean before applying it change the option to Apply to object instead of Replace material so that only that object material changes.

Screenshot 2022-11-14 143841

Hope this helps.

Kind regards,

Vincent B.


yes thanks, the material in my TM dashboard is very poor...I need Paints and much more, can you help me?



furthermore I need to say that I can't assign material by layer, this is a big problem when in the same layer are many pieces

Hello ,

Thank you for the follow-up message and yes there are tricks to learn on how to properly manage and apply materials. It seems based on the images above you should import the elements using Keep Hierarchy for Collapse method. Then apply new materials using the Apply to object selection. If this is not working then make different objects in your design application so they are imported on a different "layer".

If you need further help you can ask in the Facebook community as there are very good users there willing to share information.

Additionally you can make any suggestion for consideration on the road-map here:

Kind regards,

Vincent B.