After reaching $1000 in Marketplace sales I wrote an article about everything I still don't know

My first marketplace asset just reached $1000 in sales. I shared my experience so far, particularly all the questions I still have about how people discover and use the assets:


What are you doing?
What do you sell?

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I think it’s linked in the original article, but the product I’ve been selling is

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Hi, Your idea seems really good.
I am really surprised that you made $1000 with this.
Of course, it must be because your product is cool.
I am also a 3D character designer and want to release a 3D character on FAB, but I am not sure if it will make money, so I have not tried it yet.
Can you give me some advice on this?

Up to $1500 as of now and counting.

Models are a crowded market. There are lots of characters. There are a lot more modelers interested in selling models than programmers interested in selling blueprints or complex materials. It helps my case that I made a one-of-a-kind product.

My inexpert advice would be to create something that stands out in some way:

  • Be the stand-out best in a popular category
  • Be in an underserved category
  • Create a new category that people didn’t know they wanted

This takes some forethought and market research.

Here’s an Orbital-Market search for the most popular character assets of the last two years:

These numbers look very weak. The sales:reviews ratio is somewhere around 50:1 or worse if you’re not actively soliciting reviews (which is easier for complex assets, because support requests are a common avenue to ask for a review). So all these assets with zero reviews may have sold around 100 copies, which is probably not a good return for their creators. RPG Hero Character is the only one with any reviews at all!


Hi, Thank you so much for your great advice.
I have been a 3D character designer for over 5 years.
I am currently designing a female soldier character to be released in Unreal FAB.
I am currently trying to create a FAB account but it will take a long time.
Can we discuss what you and I can collaborate on after I create a FAB account?

Congrats @PurpleWaveJadien. I concur with this advice. Don’t need another Inventory System in the Marketplace LOL. Simple fact of the matter is, we Game Devs who use MP assets, cannot develop unique games without unique assets.

I request unique products I would like to purchase in the marketplace here → WANTED IN THE MARKETPLACE … Little to No response. So, I’m developing them myself.


@LouisDouglas Good Luck. I’m personally only interested in modular, customizable Entity {Character/Creature/Vehicles/Craft/Weapons/Machines} Assets in the marketplace. Entity Assets are the assets with greatest player visibility and most unique in most games.

Additionally, I desire to offer variation and customization (beyond color changes) to my players in my games. I wont purchase non customizable entity assets, thus I’ve devised kitbash strategies using blueprints and meshes/materials to create unique entity assets. Level Asset Packs understand this, why not Entity Asset packs?

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Thank you for your insights!
I completely agree that modular and customizable entity assets are crucial for enhancing player experiences in games.
Offering variations and customization options definitely adds depth and uniqueness, allowing players to engage more meaningfully with their characters and assets.
As a 3D character designer with several years of experience, I understand the importance of these customizable elements.
I’m excited to learn more about the asset marketplace and how I can contribute.
Also, I’m in the process of creating my FAB account, so any additional tips would be appreciated.
Looking forward to collaborating and seeing where we can take this!

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Here’s something cool.
But it doesn’t seem to be selling well…