After import of FBX the transform is bad?

Why is the barrel not at 0,0,0? Did I do something wrong during import? The only option I changed was the scale which I set to 1.5. Every time I select the barrel the locator-widget is all the way over there (which is probably the real actor location).

I tested the same fbx-model in Unity and there the locator-widget is nicely at the center-bottom of the barrel. What did I miss?

You need to set your geometry to the origin point in your 3d Programm i guess . What programm do you use? In Blender it is strg+shift+alt+c .

Thanks that was indeed the problem. It seems that the models had their local origin not at the bottom-center of the meshes. This is not a problem for Unity but it is for UE4. So I had to change the local origin and then use ctrl+shift+alt+c to center it.

Although it seems I also have to uncheck “combine meshes” when importing as it may also mess up the origin.

I’m not sure but perhaps this happens because Blender by default also has a camera and light and that it somehow takes the average position between the mesh, the camera and the light. So I deleted those from my scene as well before exporting (just in case).

Using all of the above I seem to be able to get them all to work.