Affect Navmesh settings for different supported agents / Getting large actors to navigate small foliage barriers

I have two supported agents, one normal sized and one about 10x that size. When I generate the navmesh for the smaller agent, small bits of foliage create tiny obstacles that negligibly disrupt the navmesh, as expected. For the large agent, small bits of foliage can create very large holes in the navmesh. This is also the expected outcome, but it also makes the navmesh unworkable for areas with a lot of small trees and bushes. I want the large agents to be able to navigate the area and I’m ok if that means they just ignore the colliders small bits of foliage. I have two possible solutions, and I’m wondering if it’s possible to implement either of them in ue 4.26.

  1. For large actors, if I could tell the instanced foliage actors to only affect the navmesh for the specified agent, I could just let big actors overlap, instead of block collide with the small foliage and let them basically destroy things as they go. Is it possible to set an actor to only affect the navmesh for a specific agent?

  2. Alternatively, I could make the foliage affect the navmesh for all agents, and try to do something to dissuade the smaller agents from dumbly walking into them. Is it possible to do something like add a nav modifier component to instanced foliage so that I can add a cost to walking through it?

For reference, this image contains my two navmeshes. Blue is the large agent navmesh. Green is the small agent navmesh. Notice the patches of areas that are not accessible to the blue navmesh caused by tiny trees and what not.