Advice on water reflections?

At the top is my current water, at varying angles of sunset. Below is Sea of Thieves.

I currently have a blend of two normal maps which animate to give it some dynamics… but it seems so bad compared to other games like Sea of Thieves. I’m wondering if there are better solutions. I know I could eventually start adding displacement, but I’m hoping to avoid displacement. I’d like the reflections to look better on mobile. Currently it’s just so blown out and looks like a big solid blob.

Use a normal. It will give you that wave effect in the reflection, without displacement.

I already have two normal maps which animate and blend together, that’s how I got to where it is now. I forgot to mention that in my post.

It should be enough. Have you tried cranking it up a bit ( flatten normal node ).?

Just my opinion but I think you need:

  1. Larger diameter sun
  2. A stronger normal map with more high frequency detail
  3. If possible, WPO animation for the surface of the water
  4. Your bloom is too much

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