Advanced workflow question - TLS,M3E,A7R


I would appreciate advice from more advanced users than me :slight_smile:

In my projects I usually merge data sources from P40/RTC, drone RTK tagged imagery, and handheld A7 images. My last project is about 70k A7R, 52k M3E photos and the rest from 144k is TLS.

Ended up with two components which share same TLS data and now im looking for a fast method to merge them together and dont have to wait 3 days for processing. In past versions of RC I would normally go with “merge using overlaps” and “merge components” settings but it does not work anymore.

My TLS data is set as bellow



Alignment settings

The flow that works is to set feature source for “component features” but this is not time efficient.
I use RC1.5.

Hello @Warczykiki
There weren’t any changes in that tool, so the process should work as before.
I noticed that the data from the drone and probably laser scan are georeferenced. Is there used the same coordinate system?
Are these component in one project? Have you used the same LSPs for both components?

Hello @OndrejTrhan
If i set laser scans in the component to georeferenced i get info that incremental adding is not possible thats why i keep them set to unknown. Drone is georeferenced data and TLS is not. In other words M3E_TLS has reference and A7R_TLS is not. They are in same component and both share same LSP data.

Thanks :slight_smile:

In which system are the laser scans georeferenced? In local or in some global?
What is your exact workflow there?
Are the components imported into new project?


TLS are as shown below

I used to export smaller components to a new project and change feature source to “overlaps” then hit merge components. but that was like version 1.2 or even before.
Now when i got much more projects it would be best to cut the processing time for component merging.
If my understanding of the process is right, RC should just "glue them together based on common cameras.

Now I use “component features” what takes more time.
As mentioned above M3E data id georeferenced (2179) and A7R is not.

This still should work. But instead of Merge components, try to use Align (as it is mentioned also in Help: RealityCapture Help).