Advanced TopDown Template - Features

Uhm, it does already work with 4.6?

Did you experience any issues with 4.6? Please note that official support can only be given when 4.6 is released (no longer in preview status).


I’ve had it crash during the conversion to 4.6 with the preview build, but I’m also in the process of doing a reformat of my HD & reinstall of Windows so will give it another try then.

If you still experience a problem then, just drop me a mail and attach the crash log please. I did the same (converting a 4.5.1 project with the toolkit to 4.6) and it just worked.


Update for 4.6

Hi all,
so, after the release of 4.6 (which i didnt expect that soon), i had to update the TopDown Toolkit already, because Jimmy actually found a bad issue when importing into 4.6 (thanks for your patience Jimmy).
The update is already submitted to Epic, though i dont know how long it will take to have it in the marketplace.

If you are a customer working on 4.6 and need the working version already, you can drop me a mail () with a screenshot of the imported toolkit (for proving you bought it, i get the first sale stats from Epic end of december), i.e. a part of the EventGraph of “MyController”, and i will send you a download link for the current version. Sorry for the inconviniences!

Right now i am working on some documentation on how to extract features from the Toolkit into some existing projects (i.e. just the topdown camera, skill handling, etc).
After that (which i should finally finish this weekend), i will concentrate again on networking, depending on the feature requests i get in the meanwhile :wink:

Last but not least, some mini-release notes for the new version:

Minor changes:
 - when an enemy dies, collision is disabled for him (BaseEnemyCharacter->Event Any Damage)
 - BaseEnemyController: corrected call of ExecuteSkill to be called on BP_BaseSkill instead of BP_Firebolt
 - BaseEnemyController: Changed FunctionLibrary-call "Get Current Target As Character" to a macro, since there seem to be issues with an edge case of doing casts in functionlibraries with 4.6 (need to investigate further)

Added feature: Virtual Joystick Control
If you want to use it, go to Project Settings -> Input and:
	- enable "Use Mouse for Touch"
	- enable "Always Show Touch Interface" (if you want to have it on the desktop version)
	- Default Touch Interface: LeftVirtualJoystickOnly
	- go to "MyController" and change TargetMode to "LookAtTarget"
How does it work (Overview):
	- MyController:
		When moving with the mouse, on leftmouseclick the InputAction "LeftSkillWithMovement" is called. This first checks if we can execute the assigned "left" skill and, if not, moves to the target point.
		With a virtual joystick, we no longer have that, so we need to change movement and skill execution.
		For movement with the left virtual joystick, the InputAxis GamePad Left Y and GamePad Left X are used, so we use these in the controller to call AddMovementInput.
		For skill execution, you can now bind any touch button (not included) to call the event "RightSkill" or "LeftSkill" on the PlayerController.
		Additionally, as we now dont get a point on the screen as target, but just a direction where we want to execute the skill to (where the player is facing), the variable "SavedSkillDirection" is used.
		If this one is set, but the "SavedSkillDestination" is set to 0,0,0 we assume targeting through a direction only just return true inside the SkillRange check (since we just fire into a direction). The only
		exception to this is the MeleeSkill. This one checks if there is a BaseEnemyCharacter in the given direction within the SkillRange and executes only if this check is true.


Hello, ! I’m the new Content Curator for the Marketplace. Nice job with the quick update. Since it’s ready to go, could you resubmit your new version to the Marketplace through the submission form? Then we can review it and get the update pushed out to everyone ASAP. Thanks!

Any idea when the marketplace will have the update for 4.6 version?

Any plans on making a similar toolkit for first person shooter?


No idea, sorry. I already submitted the update 2 weeks ago. If want to get the 4.6 version already, you can always drop me a mail and i can provide you with a download link.

There is already some kind of ThirdPerson / FirstPerson Kit (Ultimate TP Template). Though, most of the stuff in the TopDownToolkit is actually not directly related to TopDown stuff. You could still use the AI Stuff, the (very basic) Skillsystem, damage/health stuff, the “Stealth” mode (hearing) etc.
The camera and controller already got some changes (not yet submitted) so you can have a third-person zoomable perspective with WASD movement and the camera looking from behind.

And finally, setting up a first person camera shouldnt be too hard :slight_smile:


Yah I got the AI working fine in the first person shooter game. It was better then the one I had made. Just working on the controller one right now. Although when I went to version 4.6 and it did not upgrade, I got a little worried. I will have to send you a screenshot of the purchase, if it does not upgrade on the marketplace soon.

Thanks for the great customer service. I will look forward to purchasing more of your stuff on the marketplace. I wish they would get rid of the voting and just put everything on the marketplace. You never know what a game developer will purchase and the ones with low votes may be the ones that would get purchased most.

Yeah, i really hope this will get a bit faster. Currently most people on the marketplace will see “compatible with 4.5” and probably wont buy it without being compatible with the current UE4 version (and with that i guess it looks like no longer being updated).

Lets just see it positive and hope that Epic is now sorting final stuff out on how to organize the marketplace updates, so in the future it will get faster and better :slight_smile:


@indygoof: Are you sure this is 100% compatible with 4.6.1.

Basically I created a new empty project called “TopDownToolkit”. I then added your TopDownToolkit from My Library to the new project. When I run the game, nothing works … can’t zoom the camera, can’t rotate the camera, I try to make the player walk and nothing happens.

Looks like all the InputMappings are broken.

Warning InputAction Event references unknown Action ‘LeftSkill’ for InputAction LeftSkill
Warning InputAction Event references unknown Action ‘LeftSkillWithMovement’ for InputAction LeftSkillWithMovement
Warning Input Axis Event references unknown Axis ‘MoveRight’ for InputAxis MoveRight
Warning Input Axis Event references unknown Axis ‘MoveUp’ for InputAxis MoveUp
Warning InputAction Event references unknown Action ‘SilentMode’ for InputAction SilentMode
Warning InputAction Event references unknown Action ‘RightSkill’ for InputAction RightSkill
Warning InputAction Event references unknown Action ‘FreeLook’ for InputAction FreeLook
Warning Input Axis Event references unknown Axis ‘aMouseY’ for InputAxis aMouseY
Warning Input Axis Event references unknown Axis ‘aMouseX’ for InputAxis aMouseX
Warning InputAction Event references unknown Action ‘ZoomOut’ for InputAction ZoomOut
Warning InputAction Event references unknown Action ‘ZoomIn’ for InputAction ZoomIn
Warning [0239,08] Compile of MyController successful, but with 11 Warning(s) [in 137 ms]

Can you please send me these Input Action Events … probably a default config file would help.

It looks the 4.6 package is missing the DefaultGame.ini and DefaultInput.ini files from the package … I just compared it to a 4.5 game.

Please can you rectify this or send me copies of these files … I tried to copy the 4.5 versions but there are still some issues. I would reccomend you work with the Marketplace Curator to get this resolved A.S.A.P.


please drop me a mail () and i will send you a link to the correct download for the project.

I am already in contact with Epic. The toolkit should actually be delivered as a sample project and not as “Add to project” content. I dont know why the /Config Folder for the 4.6 update was removed (in the same submission, the 4.5 version was also updated, and this one still got the correct configs).

Sorry for all the inconviniences!

Hi Indygoof,

I’m having the same issue qdalpeche experiences. I’m using your tool mainly for learning so it is not a big deal for me to use it on 4.5. I just wanted to make aware that others are getting the same troubles.

It’s good stuff, anyway :wink:


Hi ,

yep, this happens to everyone that downloads the current 4.6 version from marketplace, unfortunately, so i am aware of it :frowning: .
Though, i cant do much about it myself, my submission already included everything for 4.5 and 4.6. Now i gotta wait for Epic like anyone else; guess this will be fixed right in the new year :slight_smile:

But as said, if you want the correct version, just drop me a mail.

And thanks for the “good stuff” :slight_smile:


Does this support touch on Android/iOS builds of games? Or just mouse+keyboard?

Depends on the type of Touch Control you actually want.

You have the option of using a Virtual Joystick (see release notes for the latest release in this thread).

Depending on your general knowledge of Blueprints you could also just replace the Mouse-Click Events by Touch Events and get the coordinates accordingly.


Thanks for the quick response! Is there a way to make the player walk to a specific vector/location through blueprints? Like a cutscene, for example. I can’t seem to get the “move to location” node to work, so I was wondering if you had a specific way of letting you move the character without player input. Thanks! -

sorry for the late response.

This should actually work with “Simple Move To Location” for a PlayerController (and only for PlayerController). “Move To Location” is working only for AIControllers.
This is the usual pitfall anyone gets in at some point :wink:

Hope that helps,

That doesn’t seem to work for me. For the Goal input, can I just put in a Relative Location vector input of an object I want the player to walk to?

“Relative Location vector input” … what do you mean exactly with that?
The Goal input is a absolute location (i.e. for click-to-move its the absolute point where the mouse hit the ground). If you want some relative point, i.e. x units in direction y, you got to calculate the absolute point yourself and input the result to the simple move to location.


Ah. That’s where I made my mistake. Thanks!