Advanced Sessions Plugin

[quote=“, post:1691, topic:30020”]

The new voice stuff doesn’t actually need any additional BP exposure. While there are a few utility functions that aren’t exposed it is nothing major.

In general spawning a VoipTalker component and registering it with a player state gets you going, the only thing I am considering exposing until/if they do it is the ability to register it with a unique net id instead as that may be useful with the plugin.

Edit Its great stuff and a nice step forward for the engine, I really hope they keep up with updates like this.

This might be a stupid question, but can I register the VOIPTalker Component to an object in the world? I would like to have the voice of the player come out of, lets say, a radio instead.

[quote=“Number47, post:1706, topic:30020”]

This might be a stupid question, but can I register the VOIPTalker Component to an object in the world? I would like to have the voice of the player come out of, lets say, a radio instead.

Register it to the target player, then place it anywhere, yeah that should work.

Its actually one of the better uses of it imo, can do some neat things, even more so since you can add an effect stack and make the voice less bass and some static to sound like a radio feed.

Hello, ty for the plugin. I have some questions about the Voice Chat:

  • Every player need to register all the ‘Talker’ or only the server?
  • How can I change the volume of someone or all Talkers?

[quote=“HeliaXDemoN, post:1708, topic:30020”]

Hello, ty for the plugin. I have some questions about the Voice Chat:

  • Every player need to register all the ‘Talker’ or only the server?
  • How can I change the volume of someone or all Talkers?

You only ever need to register if you unregistered someone, it is normally done by itself.

Also prior to 4.19 there was no direct method of lowering specific voices, the new VOIPTalker component however allows you to do that.

How can i get session connected players?

I’ve been working on logic for a while with this plugin managing multiple games at a time but I was wondering, on a single dedicated server with this plugin it’s possible to manage multiple sessions simultaneously in a map? (like fps game match)

[quote=“chernoburk, post:1710, topic:30020”]

How can i get session connected players?

You can get the player controller on the unreal “Event OnPostLogin” and save the it in a array to use later.

[quote=“chernoburk, post:1710, topic:30020”]

How can i get session connected players?

Get the player state array

[quote=“HeliaXDemoN, post:1713, topic:30020”]

You can get the player controller on the unreal “Event OnPostLogin” and save the it in a array to use later.

Not necessary, see above

[quote=“bombe93, post:1712, topic:30020”]

I’ve been working on logic for a while with this plugin managing multiple games at a time but I was wondering, on a single dedicated server with this plugin it’s possible to manage multiple sessions simultaneously in a map? (like fps game match)

Unsure of what you are talking about, you mean multiple servers on a single box? Or multiple sessions on a single engine instance?

The former yes, but its not session related you just have to set ports up. The latter, no, the engine itself does not support that.

i was looking for a way to handle more match games in my fps game, I had read around that maybe I had to start multiple servers on different ports.
you say that this thing has nothing to do with this plugin?

[quote=“anonymous_user_2229585b, post:1716, topic:30020”]

i was looking for a way to handle more match games in my fps game, I had read around that maybe I had to start multiple servers on different ports.
you say that this thing has nothing to do with this plugin?

Yeah nothing to do with it, port settings go in the ini file, Assuming you have everything set up correctly in the ini it should work the same.

[quote=“, post:1717, topic:30020”]

Yeah nothing to do with it, port settings go in the ini file, Assuming you have everything set up correctly in the ini it should work the same.

Because seeing this ( it had occurred to me that then this management of matchmaking/lobby could do it with the sesions

does not work in version 4.18.3

it not work for me

Joining the last two posts. Something probably doesn’t work in 4.18.3 and 4.19.4 or I’m just stupid and I’ve forgot something during setup but I’m unable to find any sessions with Find Sessions Advanced node in blueprints.

Current DefaultEngine.ini




[quote=“Mat5i6, post:1721, topic:30020”]

Joining the last two posts. Something probably doesn’t work in 4.18.3 and 4.19.4 or I’m just stupid and I’ve forgot something during setup but I’m unable to find any sessions with Find Sessions Advanced node in blueprints.

Check your log and ensure that the steam subsystem is actually loading up, also note that you have to run standalone in editor for steam to load and need to run outside of the editor to host/join cross computer (lobby servers cannot search for servers while hosting, so searching for your own server won’t work).

[quote=“, post:1722, topic:30020”]

Check your log and ensure that the steam subsystem is actually loading up, also note that you have to run standalone in editor for steam to load and need to run outside of the editor to host/join cross computer (lobby servers cannot search for servers while hosting, so searching for your own server won’t work).

Steam subsystem is online because i see steam overlay and I’m in spacewar “game” also I’m using packaged game on second computer with another account so standalone game is not the problem nor hosting and searching on the same computer.

Attaching last log of my game session if it helps. I don’t know what to look for in it but in previous log that I no longer have, I saw a lot of warnings about unable to parse server data so I’m assuming that those are also servers running on 480 and cannot be displayed because of that. Could happend something similar to my session on second computer?

Thanks in advance, Mat5i6.

[quote=“Mat5i6, post:1723, topic:30020”]

Steam subsystem is online because i see steam overlay and I’m in spacewar “game” also I’m using packaged game on second computer with another account so standalone game is not the problem nor hosting and searching on the same computer.

Attaching last log of my game session if it helps. I don’t know what to look for in it but in previous log that I no longer have, I saw a lot of warnings about unable to parse server data so I’m assuming that those are also servers running on 480 and cannot be displayed because of that. Could happend something similar to my session on second computer?

Thanks in advance, Mat5i6.


  1. [2018.02.18-23.34.46:895][840]LogNet: GameNetDriver SteamNetDriver_0 IpNetDriver listening on port 7777
  1. [2018.02.18-23.34.46:899][840]LogWorld: Bringing World /Game/Maps/Lobby.Lobby up for play (tick rate 0) at 2018.02.19-00.34.46
  1. [2018.02.18-23.34.46:899][840]LogWorld: Bringing up level for play took: 0.000554
  1. [2018.02.18-23.34.46:899][840]LogGameMode: FindPlayerStart: PATHS NOT DEFINED or NO PLAYERSTART with positive rating
  1. [2018.02.18-23.34.46:899][840]LogSpawn: Warning: SpawnActor failed because no class was specified
  1. [2018.02.18-23.34.46:900][840]LogBlueprintUserMessages: [GI_Game_C_0] Lobby
  1. [2018.02.18-23.34.46:900][840]LogUMG: Display: Widget Class W_Lobby_C - Loaded Fast Template.
  1. [2018.02.18-23.34.47:101][840]LogLoad: Took 0.215925 seconds to LoadMap(/Game/Maps/Lobby)
  1. [2018.02.18-23.34.48:169][900]LogSlate: FSceneViewport::OnFocusLost() reason 0
  1. [2018.02.18-23.34.48:233][904]LogNet: Browse: /Game/Maps/test?listen
  1. [2018.02.18-23.34.48:252][904]LogLoad: LoadMap: /Game/Maps/test?listen
  1. [2018.02.18-23.34.48:252][904]LogNet: World NetDriver shutdown SteamNetDriver_0 [GameNetDriver]
  1. [2018.02.18-23.34.48:252][904]LogNet: DestroyNamedNetDriver SteamNetDriver_0 [GameNetDriver]
  1. [2018.02.18-23.34.48:252][904]LogExit: GameNetDriver SteamNetDriver_0 shut down
  1. [2018.02.18-23.34.48:266][904]LogAIModule: Creating AISystem for world test
  1. [2018.02.18-23.34.48:267][904]LogLoad: Game class is 'GM_Game_C'
  1. [2018.02.18-23.34.48:267][904]LogTemp: Display: ParseSettings for GameNetDriver
  1. [2018.02.18-23.34.48:267][904]LogTemp: Display: ParseSettings for SteamNetDriver_1
  1. [2018.02.18-23.34.48:267][904]LogTemp: Display: ParseSettings for GameNetDriver
  1. [2018.02.18-23.34.48:268][904]LogNet: Display: SteamNetDriver_1 bound to port 7777
  1. [2018.02.18-23.34.48:268][904]PacketHandlerLog: Loaded PacketHandler component: Engine.EngineHandlerComponentFactory (StatelessConnectHandlerComponent)
  1. [2018.02.18-23.34.48:268][904]LogNet: GameNetDriver SteamNetDriver_1 IpNetDriver listening on port 7777


For some reason your SteamNetDriver is shutting down after init and then loading back up at _1, I’ve never seen that before so I can’t tell you what kind of errors it would cause, but it shouldn’t be shutting the driver down.

Regardless my unit tests for 4.18.4 came out functional and across two computers I connected just fine?

[quote=“, post:1724, topic:30020”]

For some reason your SteamNetDriver is shutting down after init and then loading back up at _1, I’ve never seen that before so I can’t tell you what kind of errors it would cause, but it shouldn’t be shutting the driver down.

Regardless my unit tests for 4.18.4 came out functional and across two computers I connected just fine?

I’ve just test it, this happens when I switch levels and It’s not related specificaly to your sessions because same thing happens with steam subsystem disabled and clean project.

[quote=“Mat5i6, post:1725, topic:30020”]

I’ve just test it, this happens when I switch levels and It’s not related specificaly to your sessions because same thing happens with steam subsystem disabled and clean project.

I missed the second level load in there, thought it was doing it with a single one. Reiniting is intended across level loads.

From the log then there are no errors, I don’t know why you are having searching problems but you need to log from the clients perspective as it would be on that end then.