Advanced Sessions Plugin

[quote=“HeliaXDemoN, post:1685, topic:30020”]

But I tried “Standalone with Steam open(my friend list working)”

That one will work, but you will have to cancel before it ends and after it starts.

Regardless, I already told you, if it isn’t working and is returning right away, there isn’t much I can do about that unless I write one specifically for Steam. I try to keep the plugin agnostic and using the subsystem layer.

Edit I’ll run some tests anyway today

ReEdit Ah here is your problem

            // @Todo ONLINE Master Server Version
            Return = ERROR_SUCCESS;
            // There is no CANCEL lobby query
            // NULLing out the object will prevent the async event from adding the results
            CurrentSessionSearch->SearchState = EOnlineAsyncTaskState::Failed;
            CurrentSessionSearch = NULL;

They don’t implement a steam lobby cancel search because there isn’t a cancel function in SteamSDK for lobbies (I verified, there isn’t). A new search is supposed to override the old one.

This is a case where one of the subsystem function isn’t implemented for a platform.

For LAN however it should work.

There is no server version in place currently so it wouldn’t work for dedicated servers either although a cancel function DOES exist for them in the SteamSDK.

[quote=“, post:1686, topic:30020”]

That one will work, but you will have to cancel before it ends and after it starts.

Regardless, I already told you, if it isn’t working and is returning right away, there isn’t much I can do about that unless I write one specifically for Steam. I try to keep the plugin agnostic and using the subsystem layer.

Edit I’ll run some tests anyway today

ReEdit Ah here is your problem

// @Todo ONLINE Master Server Version
// There is no CANCEL lobby query
// NULLing out the object will prevent the async event from adding the results
CurrentSessionSearch->SearchState = EOnlineAsyncTaskState::Failed;
CurrentSessionSearch = NULL;

They don’t implement a steam lobby cancel search because there isn’t a cancel function in SteamSDK for lobbies (I verified, there isn’t). A new search is supposed to override the old one.

This is a case where one of the subsystem function isn’t implemented for a platform.

For LAN however it should work.

There is no server version in place currently so it wouldn’t work for dedicated servers either although a cancel function DOES exist for them in the SteamSDK.

Thanks for the answer.

have somebody use video chat with fps low that video packet loss?

Added 4.19 P1 packaged binaries

Thanks for the great plugin, have you exposed the new VoIP improvements in 4.19 P1 to BluePrint?

[quote=“Number47, post:1690, topic:30020”]

Thanks for the great plugin, have you exposed the new VoIP improvements in 4.19 P1 to BluePrint?

The new voice stuff doesn’t actually need any additional BP exposure. While there are a few utility functions that aren’t exposed it is nothing major.

In general spawning a VoipTalker component and registering it with a player state gets you going, the only thing I am considering exposing until/if they do it is the ability to register it with a unique net id instead as that may be useful with the plugin.

Edit Its great stuff and a nice step forward for the engine, I really hope they keep up with updates like this.

Hey, can you add a p2p system on this plugin please.

[quote=“OAXP, post:1692, topic:30020”]

Hey, can you add a p2p system on this plugin please.

that’s quite an ask…

first i recommend you understand what the p2p concept really is. this is quoted from a really smart person on here named shadowriver:

"P2P means that one of clients run a server, register it’s IP to some central server (I’m not sure but some online networks supports that i think), server is assign to there online ID instead of be a server on list, some use matchmaking over that. Now problem is connectivity, because as normal server you need forwarded ports from router and lot of people have problem to do so, and here whats P2P is diffrent from normal client-side servers, it’s tried to solve that. Clients can work as proxy server and let you proxy from one client that is connected to server to get game state and as well as send info to main server about proxied client, theoretically client can also work as server and server can run as client and server connect to client on order (since server and client in network layer of things it’s just who connects to who). In other words P2P is client-side cloud (cloud you have when servers are not logically visible, you just info that there some game instance and and you can connect to it. Client and server deal with it automaticly).

Biggest problem with P2P, is fact that users have [poor] ISPs to run server (low upload), which means lower quality connections unlike normal dedicated server in some server room with some 100mbit or gbit upload connections, in PC where you don’t know on what hardware you run there might be potential issue of performence to run a server and client in same time, and when server start to lag everybody will lag, consoles will have same problem is you don’t manage it. Thats why gamers prefer and ask for dedicated server support over P2P. Ofcorse fact that clients runs servers and all you need is some minimum HTTP to manage connections between them makes this solution a lot cheaper then having array of dedicated servers (or else you let users run them, which was most popular method on PC games in past), thats why it’s very popular now days"

here’s where i got that quote from -…er-multiplayer

here’s another posting about this -…2p_networking/

"Well define supports.

You have full access to the networking code. If you want you can do it yourself via TCP socket listeners.

But the engine itself was never designed to work that way and it’s unlikely there will be serious support and out of the box functionality in that regard.

so from the above, you really should consider using dedicated servers if you’re doing a big game. default is the functionality that the advanced sessions plugin already provides. you need to think about money and how to make profits. if the users will be lagging due to low upload speeds, the game will have unfavorable reviews in my opinion.

(steam allows for this dedicated server functionality by the way which is why i recommend you really look at that. really try to think about how you are going to integrate steam with your game with the functionality that has been provided with this plugin. steam was kind enough to pick up my game which i’m very excited about and it’s set for release already in early February, and i didn’t use a lick of P2P code in my game, but i certainly used this advanced sessions plugin. thank you again for this wonderful plugin by the way :).)

First off, apologies if this has been answered before. I’m pretty new to plugins (this is my first time using one) and i was wondering what the rules are when it comes to selling a game containing this plugin. Is it allowed? Somewhere down the line, i would love to be able to sell my game, so i figured i should see if this is allowed before i start using the plugin.


[quote=“Hairy_Cabbage, post:1694, topic:30020”]

First off, apologies if this has been answered before. I’m pretty new to plugins (this is my first time using one) and i was wondering what the rules are when it comes to selling a game containing this plugin. Is it allowed? Somewhere down the line, i would love to be able to sell my game, so i figured i should see if this is allowed before i start using the plugin.


Yes, it is MIT so there is technically no limits to what you can do with it as long as the license is accredited.

The entire point of MIT is freedom for the creator and users.

Sometimes works fine and sometimes when Launch Server button code reaches the Create Advanced Session node, returns no error on failure message but does nothing at all. After testing, when it fails, doesnt load the map which is the next node. Why could be happening that?

[quote=“gon, post:1696, topic:30020”]

Sometimes works fine and sometimes when Launch Server button code reaches the Create Advanced Session node, returns no error on failure message but does nothing at all. After testing, when it fails, doesnt load the map which is the next node. Why could be happening that?

Then it hasn’t hit the execution pathway to load the next node yet. You may already have a session running, be sure you have destroyed any previous sessions.

Ok, thnx. I added a Destroy Session node just before the Create Adv Session node. If the problem persists I would post a reply.

Is the create lobby call function still in there for 4.18 as I can’t seem to find not to call it any way I try :confused:

It’s possible to install this plugin in Unreal Engine version 4.17.1 source build?
it tells me it’s not compatible I have to redo the build, but if I do it he tells me he’s compiled incorrectly

[quote=“bombe93, post:1700, topic:30020”]

It’s possible to install this plugin in Unreal Engine version 4.17.1 source build?
it tells me it’s not compatible I have to redo the build, but if I do it he tells me he’s compiled incorrectly

Source builds can’t be pre-compiled for, you just need to compile the plugin in visual studio once and it will be good, the compilation during load won’t work.

[quote=“TWIISTED_STUDIOS, post:1699, topic:30020”]

Is the create lobby call function still in there for 4.18 as I can’t seem to find not to call it any way I try :confused:

What create lobby function call? Sessions are by default steam lobbies. Think you may be confusing something.

[quote=“, post:1701, topic:30020”]

Source builds can’t be pre-compiled for, you just need to compile the plugin in visual studio once and it will be good, the compilation during load won’t work.

Ok thanks,
sorry for the little experience, but from visual studio does not let me see this plugin. How can I do?

[quote=“bombe93, post:1703, topic:30020”]

Ok thanks,
sorry for the little experience, but from visual studio does not let me see this plugin. How can I do?

Regenerate project files

Or if you installed in the engine directory then move it to project, compile, and move it back, though for that you’ll want to compile for all builds you will be using.

[quote=“, post:1704, topic:30020”]

Regenerate project files

Or if you installed in the engine directory then move it to project, compile, and move it back, though for that you’ll want to compile for all builds you will be using.

Thanks! Now works!