Here are some ideas. Attached pictures for a similar thing I did along with a blueprint and the result. In my case I just have a steam friends list with online / away / offline status for all the steam friends as listed.
Here are pics of my code and output
Blueprint code - Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Friends list output - Imgur: The magic of the Internet
You can probably view these videos for more information.
Steam multiplayer friends list - Unreal Engine 4 - Steam Multiplayer Friend list [Advanced Sessions] - YouTube
(get the color of in game / online / offline players and all players from your steam friend’s list)
Lobby system - Unreal Engine 4 - Lobby System [Advanced Session] - YouTube
(to send invite with the click of a button)
for the friends info, the settings like online / offline / away / status are all related to what is returned from the steam friends list when the get function is called. Since the steam list sets these values based on their own status, i believe there is no way to set a custom advanced in-game state unless you do it separately out of the sessions plugin.
In the case that many users are logged in and playing online on a central server, that server itself will have the status values for all players, and that would have to be set in a centralized way rather than through steam, because there’s again no way for steam to set specifics like that apart from being in a game or being offline. (the only way steam would be able to do this is they had calls to the local game code and did checks for status, and returned that value in their own friends list interface).
As far as the status string output of BPFriendPresenceInfo is concerned, I believe this is what it returns “Added GetSteamFreindGamePlayed today, it returns the AppID and (maybe) the GameName. If retrieving the game name fails it will be an empty string and just the AppID is returned.”
So that would only be the game name or app id, but not anything from specific status in the game – again that needs to be set locally in your game or game server.
I am not sure if this is what you want, and forgive me if I am wrong, just giving my ideas.