Advanced Sessions Plugin

Thanks for replying but how to build the intermediate files for all builds of the plugin ?

Another question is there any way to test the packaged game or the stand alone version for two players on same pc ?

Thanks in advance

[quote=“mohammedqasrawi, post:1600, topic:30020”]

Thanks for replying but how to build the intermediate files for all builds of the plugin ?

Another question is there any way to test the packaged game or the stand alone version for two players on same pc ?

Thanks in advance

In visual studio, batch build and tick every platform that you intend to package for.

If the plugin is in your project directly you typically don’t have to do that but the engine one requires full intermediate files.

[quote=“Shivan_Hunter, post:1599, topic:30020”]

Is there a way to get sessions that you wouldn’t be able to join (full sessions, or sessions with Allow Join In Progress unchecked) in Find Sessions? I want them to be visible in the server list anyway since I can do my own filtering. Right now they just stop showing up at all.

Not if you are using steam lobbies

GetLobbyList in steam SDK

**NOTE:** This will only return lobbies that are not full, and only lobbies that are [k_ELobbyTypePublic]( or [k_ELobbyTypeInvisible](, and are set to joinable with [SetLobbyJoinable](

General P2P hosting in UE4 on steam uses the lobby system, dedicated servers use the gameserver system.

I have hard time finding server is anyone else have same problem ?

[quote=“JJGG117, post:1605, topic:30020”]

With a Dedicated Server running AdvancedSessions…

Do I need the node: OpenLevel(IPAddressHere) in my LevelBP?

Or is it not necessary with AdvancedSessions?

If you aren’t using sessions you will still need that, if you are using sessions then no.

[quote=“Demonith, post:1604, topic:30020”]

I have hard time finding server is anyone else have same problem ?

same here no matter which tutorial i follow on the setup for session browsing it continues to fail to find any sessions :confused: tested in both PIE and 2 Standalone instances [i know PIE typically doesn’t work with mutliplayer stuff but it was worth a short lol]

Hi guys,
To develop I sometimes use my MAC and I have the 4.16.3 version on it.
Is it normal that it is not working ? I guess so because of the difference in the versions but I want to be sure it is this and not because it is my MAC.

Plugin ‘AdvancedSessions’ failed to load because module ‘AdvancedSessions’ could not be found. Please ensure the plugin is properly installed, otherwise consider disabling the plugin for this project.

Otherwise it is a really nice plugin !
Thank you and have a great day !

[quote=“JJGG117, post:1611, topic:30020”]

I tried saying if concurrent players = players don’t join
But the sessionData doesn’t update or retrieve the actual server’s players from server browser.

Yeah, the subsystem needs to be corrected to fill in the current player count or you need to UpdateSession when someone joins to add an ExtraSetting that contains the current player count.

Its not related to the plugin, can just (hackishly) be worked around with it.

I guess I’m a very stupid man, but could someone please tell me where I can find a list of all the extra settings strings?

[quote=“WixZ, post:1613, topic:30020”]

I guess I’m a very stupid man, but could someone please tell me where I can find a list of all the extra settings strings?

Its whatever you want to put into them.

These are all user defined tags, which is why I suggest shortening them as much as possible (IE: GameName : GN)

Uploaded the pre-compiled binaries for 4.18

The repository remains unchanged, there were no source changes for 4.18

[quote=“, post:1615, topic:30020”]

Uploaded the pre-compiled binaries for 4.18

The repository remains unchanged, there were no source changes for 4.18

God bless u sir !

Good afternoon, folks!

my name is thulio i and need some direction with steam friends invite. There is a place with some kind of tutorial? i tried to myself and look into some tutorial for blueprints to how invite a friend to join my game (only if he is running the same game, invite appears inside the game). i cant find any tutorials on this, i tried to myself until my head felt from my neck but i could not understand how make it works. there are some events on the blueprint (invite friends, invite friend, onfriendinviteaccept, etc) but i cant figure out how this works. Someone have a tutorial how make a steam friend invite to game? please for gods sake.

Godlike. 'nuff said.

So apart from going through 103 pages. I have a quick issue.

The “Get Session Settings” is failing for me. I call it when a player connects to the server. In the GameMode OnPostLogin. Im just not sure how to troubleshoot at this point.

Also tried calling it on the GameInstance and LevelBP. I have tested Joining the session and it works fine.

[quote=“theveach, post:1619, topic:30020”]

So apart from going through 103 pages. I have a quick issue.

The “Get Session Settings” is failing for me. I call it when a player connects to the server. In the GameMode OnPostLogin. Im just not sure how to troubleshoot at this point.

Also tried calling it on the GameInstance and LevelBP. I have tested Joining the session and it works fine.

That node gets the locally hosted sessions settings, you need to call it on the server.

Not entirely sure why you would even want to get it on the client, you should be replicating over relevant information to them from the server live.

Thank the author for providing this plugin.

UE4Editor_AdvancedSteamSessions!__delayLoadHelper2() [f:\dd\vctools\delayimp\delayhlp.cpp:323]
UE4Editor_AdvancedSteamSessions!UAdvancedSteamFriendsLibrary::GetSteamFriendAvatar() [d:\documents\unreal projects\vrexppluginexample - 4-15\plugins\advancedsessions\advancedsteamsessions\source\advancedsteamsessions\private\advancedsteamfriendslibrary.cpp:268]

I just can’t solve this problem on my package game, and it not working with VR. I am a BP user, so not familiar with the CPP file.

[quote=“mottH, post:1621, topic:30020”]

Thank the author for providing this plugin.

I just can’t solve this problem on my package game, and it not working with VR. I am a BP user, so not familiar with the CPP file.

Going to need the rest of that log.

[quote=“, post:1620, topic:30020”]

That node gets the locally hosted sessions settings, you need to call it on the server.

Not entirely sure why you would even want to get it on the client, you should be replicating over relevant information to them from the server live.

Yes I have been using it on the server. I keep getting “No registered Sessions.” Do I have to be using SteamSubsystem? Im currently using NULL since I dont have an AppID yet.

I have tested it over lan and I can connect but cant access the extra settings.

[quote=“theveach, post:1623, topic:30020”]

Yes I have been using it on the server. I keep getting “No registered Sessions.” Do I have to be using SteamSubsystem? Im currently using NULL since I dont have an AppID yet.

I have tested it over lan and I can connect but cant access the extra settings.

No NULL should work, but you will need to test it out of PIE, this is because PIE creates its own session.