Advanced Sessions Plugin

i am having some** complexity to understand** how the dedicated server part actually works for “advanced-sessions-plugin”.

i was given assurity that using “Create Advanced Session” node it is possible to turn a windowsNoEditor into a “dedicated server”.
All it is needed to set "is dedicated server " to true .
from my commonsense that is just impossible.

so before wasting more times i wanted to ask does that node has that "magical power " ?

Sorry . if I sounds like a fool.

I am mostly a “Open Ip address” command lover with zero knowledge on Steam

im using this plugin on my project its pretty ■■■■ awesome. if i manage to get my game into steam does it work for people over internet with no problem or does people need to do port forwarding stuff? how does that work?

[quote=“Muzaheed, post:1580, topic:30020”]

i am having some** complexity to understand** how the dedicated server part actually works for “advanced-sessions-plugin”.

i was given assurity that using “Create Advanced Session” node it is possible to turn a windowsNoEditor into a “dedicated server”.
All it is needed to set "is dedicated server " to true .
from my commonsense that is just impossible.

so before wasting more times i wanted to ask does that node has that "magical power " ?

Sorry . if I sounds like a fool.

I am mostly a “Open Ip address” command lover with zero knowledge on Steam

No it doesn’t, that tick is there to use after you compile a source version of the engine with a dedicated server target.cs setup.

[quote=“, post:#Post:0x000055985056b060, topic:30020”]

Couldn't find file for package /Script/AdvancedSessions requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /Script/AdvancedSessions

Do you have the plugin inside of another folder? /Script/ shouldn’t ever be in the pathname of the plugin and considering the name Script is likely a reserved name for packaging it could be screwing things up.

Thank you for you answer.
No the plugin is just in the plugins folder. And inside the editor i can use it without problems.
Also I don’t find a Script folder neither in the project nor in the packaged folder, which maybe doesn’t mean anything.
Maybe the crash message is interesting?

[quote=“, post:1582, topic:30020”]

No it doesn’t, that tick is there to use after you compile a source version of the engine with a dedicated server target.cs setup.

thanks for the confirmation. although i knew it is totally impossible.

anyway now 2nd problem:

i am having this errors when lunching the “xxxServer.exe”:

3rd problem:

XXXserver.exe keeps complaining about another server/client instance using steam in same pc. But i checked everything and did not found any other client ruinning.

Any idea?


Thank you for you answer.
No the plugin is just in the plugins folder. And inside the editor i can use it without problems.
Also I don’t find a Script folder neither in the project nor in the packaged folder, which maybe doesn’t mean anything.
Maybe the crash message is interesting?

well, its interesting because it is a linker crash, but its not interesting as far as relating to my plugin.

[quote=“Muzaheed, post:1583, topic:30020”]

thanks for the confirmation. although i knew it is totally impossible.

anyway now 2nd problem:

i am having this errors when lunching the “xxxServer.exe”:

XXXserver.exe keeps complaining about another server/client instance using steam in same pc. But i checked everything and did not found any other client ruinning.

Any idea?

Are you running STEAM itself?


Thank you for you answer.
No the plugin is just in the plugins folder. And inside the editor i can use it without problems.
Also I don’t find a Script folder neither in the project nor in the packaged folder, which maybe doesn’t mean anything.
Maybe the crash message is interesting?

i think i have seen this error somewhere in answerHub. and it turns out to be a bug of 4.17.
take a look into answer hub

[quote=“, post:1584, topic:30020”]

well, its interesting because it is a linker crash, but its not interesting as far as relating to my plugin.

OK. So, I will post it in the answerhub. If it’s not the plugin, they will be able to help. Thank you so far.

[quote=“User-1505902409, post:1587, topic:30020”]

OK. So, I will post it in the answerhub. If it’s not the plugin, they will be able to help. Thank you so far.

here u go:

[quote=“Muzaheed, post:1586, topic:30020”]

i think i have seen this error somewhere in answerHub. and it turns out to be a bug of 4.17.
take a look into answer hub

Than’s helpful! thank you. I’ve overlooked that one!

[quote=“, post:1585, topic:30020”]

Are you running STEAM itself?

nope. it is the XXXserver.exe which was trying to lunch it.
plz take a look into that short video

[quote=“, post:1585, topic:30020”]

Are you running STEAM itself?

i looked into the source and did some hacking which solved the error.
either i am doing something wrong or “OnlineSubsystemSteam” plugin have a simple but very big Bug. If it is really a bug then why no body noticed it :eek:

using 4.17.0 , can somebody package a dedicated server from this project and check if they are also having any issue on their side or not?

i will post the fixes after getting some feedbacks.

Question (maybe not strictly plugin-related but idk) - given a Blueprint Session Result, is there a way to “update” it to see if the session info has changed or the session has ended? Or do you just have to do Find Sessions again and replace the existing sessions?

[quote=“Shivan_Hunter, post:1593, topic:30020”]

Question (maybe not strictly plugin-related but idk) - given a Blueprint Session Result, is there a way to “update” it to see if the session info has changed or the session has ended? Or do you just have to do Find Sessions again and replace the existing sessions?

There is technically a refresh lobby info for Steam, however I don’t think that all subsystems have that and the base subsystem framework does not implement a re-query function.

I made a new project on 4.16.2
and added the plug-in
When packiging it gives me a build error with exitcode=1

Can u help me plz

deafult engine.ini







deafult game.ini


this is my log if u can help ill be very thankful

i installed the plugin on engine leven

[quote=“mohammedqasrawi, post:1596, topic:30020”]

this is my log if u can help ill be very thankful

i installed the plugin on engine leven

You’ll need to build the intermediate files for all builds of the plugin if you want to place it in the engine level, otherwise it won’t work in there for packaging. I don’t pre-build intermediate files because the file size quadruples then.

Also the log file is spammed with a bunch of log debug entries (AnimBP 0.0) that make it pretty hard to look through, its also not a packaging log as far as I can tell.

I’m glad to hear you’ll continue to update the plugin on new engine releases. A lot of plugins seem to be stuck at old engine versions lately. It’s understandable you won’t be expanding the plugin much further. Personally, I think there are already more features than I thought there would be. Teams that are using your plugin should recruit a good programmer if they need more functionality than your plugin provides. Good luck with the VR plugin.

Is there a way to get sessions that you wouldn’t be able to join (full sessions, or sessions with Allow Join In Progress unchecked) in Find Sessions? I want them to be visible in the server list anyway since I can do my own filtering. Right now they just stop showing up at all.