Advanced Sessions Plugin

[quote=“Discodude16, post:1554, topic:30020”]

Ive been calling it in a non-replicated function in the game instance, and this is only being called once. It does work if I replace it with the normal Create session node if that helps.

thanks for the reply!

You have to be calling it twice somehow, that warning is specifically when there is already a created session and the actual create session code is the exact same between my nodes and the standard ones.

Did you check to see if there is a working session up?

Huh, after tinkering a bit and trying to find a second Create Session node…it started working.

Anyways thanks for the assistence :slight_smile:


I seem to have a problem that occured out of nowhere. We’ve been playtesting via steam appid 480 no problem in June, but now if I try the same build it doesn’t work. Is the sdk version change responsible for it? We’ve still got 132 there but 141 is out now and I’m wondering if it’s the problem.

In case it’s not, there’s only one warning regarding steam in the logfiles:

AdvancedSteamFriendsLog:Warning: STEAM Couldn’t be verified as initialized

This means the SteamAPI_Init() failed but gives no additional errors.


[quote=“anonymous_user_42aa9fbb, post:1559, topic:30020”]


I seem to have a problem that occured out of nowhere. We’ve been playtesting via steam appid 480 no problem in June, but now if I try the same build it doesn’t work. Is the sdk version change responsible for it? We’ve still got 132 there but 141 is out now and I’m wondering if it’s the problem.

In case it’s not, there’s only one warning regarding steam in the logfiles:

AdvancedSteamFriendsLog:Warning: STEAM Couldn’t be verified as initialized

This means the SteamAPI_Init() failed but gives no additional errors.


Do you have SteamVR installed and if so is SteamVR Home Beta enabled?

Because it breaks the steam subsystem in builds that aren’t downloaded from steam itself currently.

[quote=“, post:1560, topic:30020”]

Do you have SteamVR installed and if so is SteamVR Home Beta enabled?

Because it breaks the steam subsystem in builds that aren’t downloaded from steam itself currently.

No, I don’t think so, nothing major changed on my system since June,but I will try to check on another computer tomorrow and report back, thanks for the answer :slight_smile:

[quote=“, post:1560, topic:30020”]

Do you have SteamVR installed and if so is SteamVR Home Beta enabled?

Because it breaks the steam subsystem in builds that aren’t downloaded from steam itself currently.

Ok, seems like it’s my computer that’s acting up, other people can use steam fine, sorry to take your time on something I could very well figure out myself, but at least if someone is searching for this problem it’s here, thanks!

Hello, Please I have a question for you… I ran into an issue… I run a dedicated server using steam. I have 2 mods with small maps and they work perfectly, I can join throught steam and everything… The problem comes when I want to load a gamemode with a 20x20km map,… When I try to do this on a machine (server or PC) with processor with less than 3ghz I get this error.
[2017.09.03-11.59.07:388] 2]LogOnline:Warning: Async task ‘FOnlineAsyncTaskSteamCreateServer bWasSuccessful: 0’ failed in 17.200534 seconds
So my question is: Please where can I increase the AsyncTaskTimeout? Or how can I fix this?

[quote=“Control, post:1563, topic:30020”]

Hello, Please I have a question for you… I ran into an issue… I run a dedicated server using steam. I have 2 mods with small maps and they work perfectly, I can join throught steam and everything… The problem comes when I want to load a gamemode with a 20x20km map,… When I try to do this on a machine (server or PC) with processor with less than 3ghz I get this error.
[2017.09.03-11.59.07:388] 2]LogOnline:Warning: Async task ‘FOnlineAsyncTaskSteamCreateServer bWasSuccessful: 0’ failed in 17.200534 seconds
So my question is: Please where can I increase the AsyncTaskTimeout? Or how can I fix this?


/** Async Task timeout value */
#define ASYNC_TASK_TIMEOUT 15.0f

To increase the timeout, or as a workaround, create the server later/earlier.

Using the plugin i run into some bugs. When starting gamesession, the clients are not able to load the default pawn set in game mode and instead are spawning a default one. I replaced the “Advanced creating and joinning sessions logic” with standar sessions nodes from ue4 and it fixed the bug.

[quote=“Alfffffffffff, post:1565, topic:30020”]

Using the plugin i run into some bugs. When starting gamesession, the clients are not able to load the default pawn set in game mode and instead are spawning a default one. I replaced the “Advanced creating and joinning sessions logic” with standar sessions nodes from ue4 and it fixed the bug.

That doesn’t have anything to do with the advanced sessions nodes…Its likely that you had a bad node path hooked up to them and fixed it when you replaced them…

[quote=“, post:1566, topic:30020”]

That doesn’t have anything to do with the advanced sessions nodes…Its likely that you had a bad node path hooked up to them and fixed it when you replaced them…

exact same logic, instead of advanced used normal nodes. Bug fixed

[quote=“Alfffffffffff, post:1567, topic:30020”]

exact same logic, instead of advanced used normal nodes. Bug fixed

The pawn spawning has nothing to do with the session hosting…

[quote=“, post:1568, topic:30020”]

The pawn spawning has nothing to do with the session hosting…

if i put back old logic its bugged again…

[quote=“Alfffffffffff, post:1569, topic:30020”]

if i put back old logic its bugged again…

Don’t know what to tell you then.

I’d like to note that the original intent of this plugin was to shore up blueprint support for sessions (mainly steam) until Epic fixed the engine integration for them. Its been over 2 years now with little to no appreciable differences in the core Steam/sessions integration in engine and that leaves this plugin somewhat in limbo.

I don’t really want to expand the plugin too much as I fully believe that what it does should be part of the engine already and doing so feels like enabling the lax steam/blueprint sessions support in engine. Also most of the major hurdles people run into are locked into the steam subsystem itself and would require basically a re-write of it in order to correct them.

I also don’t want to drop it because I understand that many users currently rely on it to patch up the missing features and get a game going with blueprints only.

I am fully invested in a VR plugin that takes the majority of my free time and feel bad about how I have been keeping this plugin on bugfix mode for this long but feel like that project is the one that I really need to spend my time on.

Just thought I would give a heads up, but also mention that the guys working on the UWorks plugin in engine are basically doing the total overhaul approach which is what the engine really needs. And that when they eventually get their subsystem implementation up and running so that it meets the standard workflow for the engine that people should seriously consider the price being worth it.

[quote=“, post:1571, topic:30020”]

You’ve done awesome work with the Advanced Sessions plugin, its been the go-to solution for online issues in UE4 for a long time. <3

I wonder if you have a moment to discuss a bit how the function “Get Unique Net ID” works, if you have some knowledge about it. It does get the Steam ID of clients when using steam oss, but how is the ID set in the first place?
Is it set by the client and replicated to the server? I’ve been looking around in the UE4 source but haven’t come across anything enlightening yet.

[quote=“MADHOUSE, post:1575, topic:30020”]

You’ve done awesome work with the Advanced Sessions plugin, its been the go-to solution for online issues in UE4 for a long time. <3

I wonder if you have a moment to discuss a bit how the function “Get Unique Net ID” works, if you have some knowledge about it. It does get the Steam ID of clients when using steam oss, but how is the ID set in the first place?
Is it set by the client and replicated to the server? I’ve been looking around in the UE4 source but haven’t come across anything enlightening yet.

All subsystems are based on a base subsystem class which passes around FUniqueNetIds in its various functions. The steam subsystem returns and uses a subclass of it FSteamUniqueNetId which stores a steam ID.

The servers playerstate array contains client specific information including their UniqueNetId.

    /** The id used by the network to uniquely identify a player.
     * NOTE: the internals of this property should *never* be exposed to the player as it's transient
     * and opaque in meaning (ie it might mean date/time followed by something else).
     * It is OK to use and pass around this property, though. */
    FUniqueNetIdRepl UniqueId;

**Unique net id is set on server and replicated down to clients.**

DOREPLIFETIME_CONDITION( APlayerState, UniqueId,    COND_InitialOnly );

**Replicated condition is "Initial only", so its only sent once and doesn't skip owner (player states on owning player still contain their replicated ID).**

if (LocalPlayer)
    // Send the player unique Id at login
    UniqueIdRepl = LocalPlayer->GetPreferredUniqueNetId();

FNetControlMessage<NMT_BeaconJoin>::Send(Connection, BeaconType, UniqueIdRepl);

**Initial uniqueID is sent from the joining player to the server.**

Thank you so much for your reply, it’s very helpfull! I hope your work on the VR plug is going well. It will be interesting to check out!
/Best Regards

When I try to lauch my packaged project, it crashes and relating to the log it seems to have something to do with the Advanced Sessions plugin.
The first error in the log:
“Couldn’t find file for package /Script/AdvancedSessions requested by async loading code.”
The log file is in the attachment.

Inside the editor (standalone) everything works fine. It’s an only blueprint project.
I would be very happy if you could look at this, because the crash seems to happen because of the plugin.

[quote=“User-1505902409, post:1578, topic:30020”]

When I try to lauch my packaged project, it crashes and relating to the log it seems to have something to do with the Advanced Sessions plugin.
The first error in the log:
“Couldn’t find file for package /Script/AdvancedSessions requested by async loading code.”
The log file is in the attachment.

Inside the editor (standalone) everything works fine. It’s an only blueprint project.
I would be very happy if you could look at this, because the crash seems to happen because of the plugin.

Couldn't find file for package /Script/AdvancedSessions requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /Script/AdvancedSessions

Do you have the plugin inside of another folder? /Script/ shouldn’t ever be in the pathname of the plugin and considering the name Script is likely a reserved name for packaging it could be screwing things up.