Advanced Sessions Plugin

I have a problem with my game right now and I don’t know if it has somethign to do with the plugin. And I can’t seem to fix it : (
So maybe someone can take a look at it.

I will explain the process right here.
The player makes a server, then a client joins the server when they are ready, the game starts so that is the part where the servertravel occurs. while traveling the client disconnects. I didn’t have this problem in 4.16 but in 4.17 this problem occurs.

I hope somebody can help me with this because I am stuck now : (

I have also reproduced this problem and that worked fine. Migrating also doesn’t help.
And also I have upgraded this project from 4.16 to 4.17

The gamelogdisconnecterror is the log from the client and the other one is from the server.

I can see that there is something wrong with the playerstate but i dont know what.


Nothing to do with the plugin, and I have heard of this before and its been reported on answerhub.

At me all work, but I need to cause to find session every second, for reception of sessions, and it can not find them.

Hey Mordental. I had wanted to see if you know anything about doing this with Advanced Sessions:
What I’m looking to do is go ahead and see if someone is in a lobby or in the map itself. The way I’m handling things is that they don’t have to wait for people to join and can directly get into the action. But the difficulties I’m having is checking to see if someone is in the lobby menus waiting for people to join or in-game itself. If you have any knowledge on this, it’s be a big help. Thank you!

Hi everyone! Is it possible to package 32bit game with this plugin? With win64 builds I have no problems, but with 32 I have this:

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (32-bit)): UnrealBuildTool: ERROR: UBT ERROR: Failed to produce item: C:\Subversion\MyProject\Binaries\Win32\MyProject-Win32-Shipping.exe

I cant make 32bit builds only when plugin enabled:(

There is also full build log:

And also i tried to package C++ project when Advanced Sessions located in project folder and i got this:

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (32-bit)): UnrealBuildTool: ERROR: UBT ERROR: Failed to produce item: C:\Subversion\MyProject\Plugins\AdvancedSessions\AdvancedSteamSessions\Binaries\Win32\UE4-AdvancedSteamSessions-Win32-Shipping.lib

[quote=“anonymous_user_b5228382, post:1539, topic:30020”]

Hi everyone! Is it possible to package 32bit game with this plugin? With win64 builds I have no problems, but with 32 I have this:

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (32-bit)): UnrealBuildTool: ERROR: UBT ERROR: Failed to produce item: C:\Subversion\MyProject\Binaries\Win32\MyProject-Win32-Shipping.exe

I cant make 32bit builds only when plugin enabled:(

There is also full build log:

Yes? I have a 32bit shipping build using it right now as well as it having compiled into 32bit for the binary releases.

Are you running from source or the pre-compiled?

Still can’t use ‘Get Session Settings’. Always go to ‘On Failure’.

Tried get the session at the GameInstance and GameMode of the game and a lot others blueprints.

[quote=“HeliaXDemoN, post:1542, topic:30020”]

Still can’t use ‘Get Session Settings’. Always go to ‘On Failure’.

Tried get the session at the GameInstance and GameMode of the game and a lot others blueprints.

What subsystem are you using? Also are you actually hosting a session first? Its working fine for me.

Hi. thanks for the plugin.
I had the voice working in my project in 4.15 but I can’t get it to work in 4.16.3
Any idea what the issue might be? any changes or things i need to do?

Hi ,
Im fairly new to UE4, however ive been programming for a while. I had created an entire working server and had things going fine last night based on your plugin and following the guide on youtube by Pyrodev. However, today i made some type of change that im not sure of, and my client can no longer find servers anymore. I worked very hard to backtrack and find my mistake but have not been able to.

Today I have given up after hours of debugging. I completed started from scratch following the videos over again, and im still unable to get a connection to the created servers. Im pretty much at a loss at this point…

Do you or anyone else have an idea as to what i could do to fix/debug? If needed ill supply screenshots of what i have thus far. thanks so much for your time.


[quote=“MagnusAnder, post:1544, topic:30020”]

Hi. thanks for the plugin.
I had the voice working in my project in 4.15 but I can’t get it to work in 4.16.3
Any idea what the issue might be? any changes or things i need to do?

I got it working again. I was playing around with the new audio stuff some time ago and I guess that was what broke it.

[quote=“, post:1543, topic:30020”]

What subsystem are you using? Also are you actually hosting a session first? Its working fine for me.

Subsystem would be Steam?

I am inside a Session with ‘LobbyGameMode’, than I try to send a change of the ‘Extra Settings’ at the the same Game Mode with Get Session Settings, but it always go to ‘On Failure’.

Ok, while writing this I found out that in Standalone with Steam open it works, everything is ok everyone.

[quote=“HeliaXDemoN, post:1547, topic:30020”]

Subsystem would be Steam?

I am inside a Session with ‘LobbyGameMode’, than I try to send a change of the ‘Extra Settings’ at the the same Game Mode with Get Session Settings, but it always go to ‘On Failure’.

Ok, while writing this I found out that in Standalone with Steam open it works, everything is ok everyone.

Steam doesn’t actually host a session unless you are in packaged or standalone, this is because in PIE and PIE in seperate window the EDITOR itself hosts a session outside of the session system for simulating network play.

Generally you want to run in standalone to test for steam stuff.

[quote=“eXi, post:5, topic:30020”]

Nice! Though i won’t use this. Still waiting for Epic to release this for BPs themself. Can’t put a project on the Market with a Plugin in it. :confused:

is this still correct cant put a project on the market with plugins, if so why is that?

[quote=“crazykiwiman, post:1549, topic:30020”]

is this still correct cant put a project on the market with plugins, if so why is that?

He had a “Marketplace” project for he wanted to sell, requiring it to support a third party plugin let alone back before plugins could even be in the marketplace wasn’t going to happen.

He wasn’t talking about a game or program.

I’ve been having a problem with the Create Session Node on this. Basically, it outputs an error in the log “Steam: Cannot Create Session Game, Session Already Exists.” Anyone else having these problems? Using the normal Create Session works, and so does all the other Advanced nodes, such as Find Session.

[quote=“Discodude16, post:1551, topic:30020”]

I’ve been having a problem with the Create Session Node on this. Basically, it outputs an error in the log “Steam: Cannot Create Session Game, Session Already Exists.” Anyone else having these problems? Using the normal Create Session works, and so does all the other Advanced nodes, such as Find Session.

Where are you calling it / has it already been called once?

I’m using AdvancedSessions with Steam on Windows and am able to Create and Join a session successfully, however the session state on the client always returns “Pending” when calling GetSessionState. The host returns “In Progress” as the session state. I can see the other player and replication is working fine. I’m wondering why the call to GetSessionState always returns pending on the client. Is that normal? If not, then what might I be doing wrong.

[quote=“, post:1552, topic:30020”]

Where are you calling it / has it already been called once?

Ive been calling it in a non-replicated function in the game instance, and this is only being called once. It does work if I replace it with the normal Create session node if that helps.

thanks for the reply!

[quote=“AlfornoOne, post:1553, topic:30020”]

I’m using AdvancedSessions with Steam on Windows and am able to Create and Join a session successfully, however the session state on the client always returns “Pending” when calling GetSessionState. The host returns “In Progress” as the session state. I can see the other player and replication is working fine. I’m wondering why the call to GetSessionState always returns pending on the client. Is that normal? If not, then what might I be doing wrong.

Yea…clients only ever set it to pending in the subsytem code from a brief glance.

Its primarily used on the server side to know when to end a server.