Advanced Sessions Plugin

Well, that worked! I will keep that in mind for future reference. Rebuilt the plugin, loaded the project, and it shows up under the plugins list. Thank you so much for your help, it is most appreciated!

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A question : how do I include the plugin header “AdvancedVoiceLibrary.h” in my normal game source?


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That works great! How is it possible to include the plugin header file “AdvancedVoiceLibrary.h” into the normal source like in the playercontroller?


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Does anyone know if this works fully with the Steam Spacewar test app 480?
I can make a server browser and find and join servers. But I cannot get Invite or join via steam to work. I can send an invite via steam, but that just closes the overlay and then does nothing, same if I click Join Game via steam. I also managed to find a friend who played it with the Get and Store Friends List node, then I tried to Find Friend Session but it failed.
Should it even work? Or have I just made something wrong?

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Here is an example how to implement the steam friends interface:
There is everything good documented.

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Yeah, I followed that and as far as I can tell everything is correctly set up. Do you know if it should work with Spacewar? Cause then I guess there’s no other explanation than that I did something wrong.

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Yeah, I followed that and as far as I can tell everything is correctly set up. Do you know if it should work with Spacewar? Cause then I guess there’s no other explanation than that I did something wrong.

I tested everything with spacewar since I don’t have an app ID myself. The only caveats that I am aware of are that spacewar doesn’t work across country bounds (it is region locked) and that some features are a bit iffy since you don’t technically “own” the game.

I would have to re-test but I don’t remember having any problems, are you sure that you are inheriting the game instance? Do you not even get the event pop in the game instance when invited? Attach a “print string” to the “Event on session invite accepted” node.

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Wow! This is great!

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So and what about implementing a header file from the plugin into gamesource? :slight_smile:

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So and what about implementing a header file from the plugin into gamesource? :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t do it, the source is entirely based around being used as a blueprint node library plugin. Because of this and some of the required structs being private and not accessible in a plugin I had to re-define some things and re-create parts of the subsystem to get it to work. Plus the layout and structure for it is entirely based around blueprint node usage.

If you want to make a c++ version, there are tutorials out there for that or you could use the source of the plugin as a rough example of parts.

In short, you don’t want to use the source to this unless you want to use it as a blueprint library anyway, and at that point there is no reason to not leave it as a plugin.

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Ok, I got it working, think it was something I did wrong with the event as you suggested. Thank you so much! And this plugin is the best!
(I used 4.10.3 if someone would ever want to know)

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You know I just want to use the push to talk function in c++ because my player controller is in c++ :confused:

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You know I just want to use the push to talk function in c++ because my player controller is in c++ :confused:

Just copy the code from the node over, there is also an example controller with “toggle voice” that does the same thing.

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Does anyone know if it’s possible to search for sessions while being in a session? I want be able to open a server browser while I’m in a joinable session but the Find Session just fails after a few seconds.

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Does anyone know if it’s possible to search for sessions while being in a session? I want be able to open a server browser while I’m in a joinable session but the Find Session just fails after a few seconds.

No it is not, and as far as I am aware this is a Steam Specific thing and is intentional.

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Hi, Thanks a lot for this tutorial.
Is there a way to access the volume of the push to talk in order to fade out the players that get far away ?


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[QUOTE=Pr Tesla;477429]
Hi, Thanks a lot for this tutorial.
Is there a way to access the volume of the push to talk in order to fade out the players that get far away ?


There is no current built in way to do that in the engine with voice chat and they are overhauling the audio system so it would be a waste of effort to try and make one.

Right now the only real solution is a hard off/on.

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Ok thanks for your quick reply :slight_smile:

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Is this already compatible with 4.10.3? First post only states 4.10.2 as of now

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I have one problem. When I’m using your plugin and trying to package project I get “Unknown Error”. When I disable it everything is fine. I don’t have any idea how to make it work.

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