How do I go about setting filters for finding sessions?
I’m getting this error:
LogOnline:Warning: STEAM: Unable to set search parameter IsLegit: Value=true : Equals
Do I have to do things differently?
No that is exactly how I was testing it and it was working for me. Mind posting the entire log instead of a snippet? Also if you change the Key name or use a different base value does it not have problems then?
Right now I feel kind of frustrated because I am under the impression that the only way to enable Internet-scale voice chat is to use Sessions and OnlineSubsystem Steam (or similar services, excluding NULL), even though we keep a list of listen server IP addresses on our own master server already.
Thank you again sincerely for your amazing plugin and continuous updates in the past months! Looking forward to your reply.
Onlinesubsystem NULL also supports voice chat, and subsystem null can be used with direct IP connections. You are free to rip the voice chat stuff from the null subsystem and use it yourself, but this plugin only supports interfacing through a subsystem.
Here is your easy way out (and also the one that follows UE4’s coding conventions), take the NULL subsystem and make a copy of it’s files, rename it to “MYMASTERLISTSubsystem” and change the server searching code to refer to your server instead of how it currently is implemented. Keep the UniqueID implementations as they are now and interface them with your master server, then the voice chat that is part of NULL will plug right in and all of Epics and my blueprint nodes will work and the game data that gets send with player states also gets populated correctly.
The null subsystem is a base to build off of, use it.
First off, I want to say thanks for this amazing plugin. Secondly, I am having an issue where the Break BPFriendInfo node is not returning the correct bool for Is Playing Same Game as it is always returning True. I currently do not have a Steam AppID and am using the Spacewar AppID instead. It’s not going to break what I am doing but I was just wondering if you have heard of any other issues related to this. Thanks!
In case you were thinking it meant that they were in your server, the bIsPlayingSameGame means that they are in the GAME you are playing, not the server you are playing the game in.
Here is the direct variable I am pulling from:
Friend.bIsPlayingSameGame = fr->GetPresence().bIsPlayingThisGame;
Also yes I am now aware that the boolean name I chose is a little obtuse.