Advanced Sessions Plugin

your doing it on your own time at no profit so i appreciate what you have done and in no way am complaining about the lack of documentation, was just hoping there was some. As far as epic, i was getting the impression the session system wasnt any sort of priority in blueprint. i tried writting my own c++ stuff for dedicated server but was having tons of trouble understanding teh steam backend, what some things were for. what needed to be called when before something else would work, so your work here is great. Im just at a frustration point where i will try to greenlight my game so i built my account system bassed off steam IDs and now i cant even get into a server to test replication or any features whatsoever lol.

if anyone has this workign in dedicated i would love to talk to them, figure out how, and when i get it working i would have no problems doing a tutorial video of how to make it work. I just hate to spend weeks stumbling in the dark and hope i find the right path.

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maybe im doing this wrong… i put this in my game session which is called by the gamemode. the boolean makes it run only once or else it just creates a session over and over and over every time it loads the level. the issue is even with dedicated server checked im still getting invalid player state.

then further down after it reloads the level:

finding no sessions:

find sessions:

Obviously im doing something wrong…

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Well for one, you are running the server as LAN and when searching for servers you are not checking “USE LAN”

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i tried it both ways… ive made small changes and recompiled about 10 times tonight…

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if i use presence on the server it is crashing saying unsupported video card as soon as it tries to create the session. if i dont use presence i get:

either way no way to join the dedicated server. this just a pipe dream im not going to make work?

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You are getting the session flags overflow without passing anything in to “Extra Settings”? That is caused when the server settings string that is passed to Steam is longer than the 2048 character limit. I don’t believe that the default is ever anywhere near that high, it should require some custom settings being passed in to overflow that, if it reaches the cap it stops adding keys to the settings string.

Is your SS the exact setup you used or do you actually pass in extra settings as well?

Also sorry, I looked back and I had a post that said “Check Presence”, I meant “Un-check Presence” (edited the post so that others wouldn’t get confused), it isn’t compatible with dedicated servers, that was my bad not checking my post closely enough.

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Ok so unchecking presence works to allow the server to run. I don’t pass any extra settings. That screens hot was the way it was when I got those warnings yesminus the fact use presence was off. Couldn’t find session. And ports are forwarded.

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And your dedicated is on a different computer from the one you are trying to find it from? It cannot be the same computer.

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Yes. My other computer is a server setup with windows 2008 r2 and a basic gfx card that can’t run games. But runs dedicated servers fine.

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im going to start a basic first person example and do some testing, make sure it isnt my project.

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Same Problem on Fresh Project.

find session:

Create Session:

Server Output:

odd thing about the output is i didnt think the server created a player. but apparently it did and then tried to find a session lol…

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completely removed steam, rebuilt the account architecture from teh ground up and the dedi/client relationship works as intended… thanks for your help but maybe i need to leave steam out of the equation until dedis are properly supported.

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Ok I have a question. I am running UE version 4.10.0 with FleX Integration. After extracting the files (version 4.10.2) to the appropriate location, I tried to load up my project. At 70% it gave me an error. Will this version not work with my UE4 version?

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Ok I have a question. I am running UE version 4.10.0 with FleX Integration. After extracting the files (version 4.10.2) to the appropriate location, I tried to load up my project. At 70% it gave me an error. Will this version not work with my UE4 version?

Do you not have a compiler installed? Custom versions of the engine need a compiler installed in order to re-compile the plugin for that version on load.

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I have visual studio 2013 installed (I think that’s the version, I’m currently at work). Not trying to sound completely unfamiliar with programming, but it’s been some time since I’ve done any actual c++ coding :confused:

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Unless you’re speaking of a different compiler

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Unless you’re speaking of a different compiler

4.10 requires VS 2015 now.

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Well darn, I missed that part >.< Thanks for the info ! Will give that a go and see what I get. Thanks again.

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Hey there, sorry to bother you guys again, but I had a question again about the Plugin. I installed VS2015 with all the features, but when I went to load my project I got the same error again.


Do I need to rebuild my engine (4.10.0 with flex integration) in order for it to work? I appreciate any help and thanks in advance.

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Hey there, sorry to bother you guys again, but I had a question again about the Plugin. I installed VS2015 with all the features, but when I went to load my project I got the same error again.


Do I need to rebuild my engine (4.10.0 with flex integration) in order for it to work? I appreciate any help and thanks in advance.

It “should” recompile by itself with everything working. But the project can’t be pure blueprint to recompile a plugin. If you add an empty c++ class from the editor menu it should work then.

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