Advanced Sessions Plugin

That is kind of the point of the num private connections variable they have. But you can manage it off of a custom session property as well and just hide it on the lobby list from normal users.

Do you mean to place the steam.dll next to the packaged build’s exe file? Also, where are the output folders that contain the steam dll?

thirdparty binaries folder

I was able to create multiplayer using advanced session and steam subsystem. I wanted to connect the steam sockets plugin. I did everything according to the documentation: connected the plugin, changed the configuration file. But multiplayer via steam sockets does not work. I get two errors BroadcastNetworkFailure: FailureType = NetDriverCreateFailure, ErrorString = , Driver = NONE, Error: LoadMap: failed to Listen(/Game/ThirdPerson/Maps/ThirdPersonMap??listen). Do you know anything about these errors? I tried googling, but didn’t find a solution to my problem

Epics implementation of steam sockets appears to have issues, its a problem across all engine versions with it (even if they worked before), likely a conflict with something valve changed

Hi Guys I have just finished porting my P2P multiplayer game for PlayStation and i have a release date set for May using this plugin thanks guys :+1:

Anyway I am now on with porting to Xbox is this plugin enough to handle a simple P2P multiplayer game for Xbox :slight_smile:

Any help is appreciate

Thanks Joanne

Master branch on plugin is converted to 5.4

Binaries will be uploaded later today

I re-enabled the steam module tie in as it appears to be functional again in 5.4

Everything is good to go now? I’m hoping to upgrade from 5.2 to 5.4

I wouldn’t go to a .0 version of a new engine, wait for the first hotfix. They did a ton of changes from preview to release and there are multiple bugs popping up in engine.


Can we adjust the volume for voice chat now?

If you override the sound class for VOIP or also I think the VoipTalker component lets you do that.

Hi people,

Yesterday i was experiencing crash when i launch my .exe on UE5 5.3.2 and i met someone on a french Discord ue who told me that you can’t build on 5.2 et 5.3, but he can build on 5.4. Well i follow his instruction and upgrade my unreal project to 5.4 with the advance session 5.4. Also he told me that you needed to create a empty c++ class to make the project both c++ and BP in order to work.

Well it didn’t work. he tried on a blank project and it work for him, but not me, got fatal error, he also try on a TPS blank project and it was working for him, not me, fatal error. So we thought the issues were the fact that i come from a 5.3 project. When he tried to upgrade and build he also got a fatal error on startup like me.

Finally he remember that he include this code in the DefaultEngine.ini to make Steam a subsystem and with the AppId 480 (which is Spacewar, a app dedicated for trying stuff on Steam)

So i give you the code that you can paste in DefaultEngine if you don’t succeed to build correctly :





So i succeed to have a build, houray ! But now i have a other issues i succed to create a room but my friend cannot join it, he didn’t saw my room, but no room at all, only the widget i display when there is no room ‘No games availables’.

I leave you with a screenshot of my find sessions BP, and i would like to know if someone on the 5.4 succeed to join a room with the advance session in BP + Steam overlay !

Atm i think it’s not possible to have Steam Subsystem + joining a room correctly.

Thanks you in advance !

I don’t know where you and your friend live in relation to each other but the steam default app id of 480 is region locked. If you have different download regions in your steam settings you would have to have them both be the same in order to see each others lobbies.

Also make sure the overlay is working in your packaged project.

Hi Mordentral !

I forgot to mention that, but unfortunately, we were both on France (we look at the Steam server and we are using the same) + the steam overlay is enabled on the packaged project. Do you have any ideas to help me connecting 2 people into the same room ? :confused:

Atm i don’t have any idea on what’s going on and what can i do to make things work, also i have a deadline to show my project by the end of June, so it’s pressure time haha

Thx you

HI everyone,

I am wondering how I can go about creating a CS:GO style lobby using the advanced session plugin but I am hitting a wall with any form of trying to get host migration to work (even if its really just everyone disconnecting and then reconnecting to a new host!). My goal is to have the following:

  1. Host can invite players (Easy to do)
  2. If host leaves another player can take spot as the host
  3. Host can search and join sessions and bring their party with them (I think this can be done by just RPC calls to the clients and telling them to join a session)

My main problem here is dealing with host migration because even if we want to reconnect we run into a very disruptive map reload which should not be the case in a simple lobby. I am just curious if anyone has done something like this before as it seems very common. Would it be best to use another service for lobbies and only have advanced sessions for the sessions themselves?

How do i add voice chat?

Make sure you aren’t using steam sockets, its not required and its broken in engine currently. Other than that, it should be working.

In engine you are always going to have a map load, it is not P2P it is Server-Client. Host migration is going to require saving out the game state, traveling to a new hosted server and restoring it. Unless you entirely skip unreals networking and run something like photon or replace it manually. There are host migration solutions out there to help you by setting up a group lobby and reconnecting players to a new server on host leaving, but that still requires the travel.

Hi Mordentral,

The “Steam Socket” plugin was disabled (more like, never enable this thing ever) during my test, so no it’s not working, you can contact me on discord at : Algost if you want to reach me and i can show you what i have. Sorry to say that but atm for me, the plugin doesn’t work :((

I’m having issues getting the ‘On Session Invite Received’ event to call in my project. I have my own app id using steam, and I both accounts I am using receive the invite via the steam overlay, but it does not call the event in the game instance. What might be the source of my problem?