Advanced Sessions Plugin

If you want EOS? if you still plan on using steam with EOS its the same thing in the end.

Epic just keeps breaking more and more on the native steam support as they change things for EOS is all.

Could you please show me the blueprint showcase, because I didn’t understand it a bit

[2024.02.25-08.42.33:616][  1]Running Python start-up script 'D:/Unreal Engines/UE_5.3/Engine/Plugins/Animation/ControlRig/Content/Python/': 0.033213 secs
[2024.02.25-08.42.33:623][  1]LogLiveCoding: Display: LiveCodingConsole Arguments: JunkUE5Editor Win64 Development
[2024.02.25-08.42.33:639][  1]LogViewport: Scene viewport resized to 1920x1080, mode Windowed.
[2024.02.25-08.42.34:009][  1]LogSlate: Took 0.000275 seconds to synchronously load lazily loaded font '../../../Engine/Content/Slate/Fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf' (155K)
[2024.02.25-08.42.35:314][ 67]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Unable to set search parameter LOBBYSEARCH: Value=true : Equals : -1
[2024.02.25-08.42.35:757][ 94]LogOnlineSession: STEAM: Found 1 lobbies, finalizing the search
[2024.02.25-08.42.35:757][ 94]LogOnlineSession: STEAM: Search result 0: LobbyId=Lobby[0x1860000597F86AB], LobbyId.IsValid()=true, CSteamID(LobbyId).IsLobby()=true
[2024.02.25-08.42.35:761][ 94]LogScript: Script Msg: Found a session. Ping is 262
[2024.02.25-08.42.36:258][124]LogBlueprintUserMessages: [UI_MainMenu_C_0] 0
[2024.02.25-08.42.36:275][124]LogOnlineSession: Warning: STEAM: Cannot create session 'GameSession': session already exists.
[2024.02.25-08.42.36:615][145]LogOnlineSession: STEAM: Using P2P Data for Connection Serialization
[2024.02.25-08.42.36:615][145]LogOnlineSession: OSS: Join session: traveling to steam.76561198025033995:7777
[2024.02.25-08.42.36:623][145]LogBlueprintUserMessages: [UI_MainMenu_C_0] Fairaday

[2024.02.25-08.42.36:625][145]LogGameMode: Display: Match State Changed from InProgress to LeavingMap
[2024.02.25-08.42.36:625][145]LogGameState: Match State Changed from InProgress to LeavingMap
[2024.02.25-08.42.36:625][145]LogNet: Browse: steam.76561198025033995/Game/Maps/MAP_JUNK_MainMenu
[2024.02.25-08.42.36:625][145]LogSockets: Warning: Unable to load SocketSubsystem module STEAM
[2024.02.25-08.42.36:626][145]LogInit: WinSock: Socket queue. Rx: 32768 (config 32768) Tx: 32768 (config 32768)
[2024.02.25-08.42.36:626][145]LogNet: Created socket for bind address:
[2024.02.25-08.42.36:626][145]LogNet: IpConnection_0 setting maximum channels to: 32767
[2024.02.25-08.42.36:626][145]PacketHandlerLog: Loaded PacketHandler component: Engine.EngineHandlerComponentFactory (StatelessConnectHandlerComponent)
[2024.02.25-08.42.36:715][145]LogHandshake: Stateless Handshake: NetDriverDefinition 'GameNetDriver' CachedClientID: 2
[2024.02.25-08.42.36:716][145]LogNet: Game client on port 7777, rate 100000
[2024.02.25-08.42.36:716][145]LogNetVersion: JunkUE5 0.1, NetCL: 27405482, EngineNetworkVersion: 32, GameNetworkVersion: 0 (Checksum: 3386659952)
[2024.02.25-08.42.36:716][145]LogSockets: Warning: GetAddressInfo failed to resolve host with error SE_HOST_NOT_FOUND [11001]
[2024.02.25-08.42.36:716][145]LogNet: UNetConnection::Close: [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr: , Name: IpConnection_0, Driver: PendingNetDriver IpNetDriver_0, IsServer: NO, PC: NULL, Owner: NULL, UniqueId: INVALID, Channels: 3, Time: 2024.02.25-08.42.36
[2024.02.25-08.42.36:716][145]LogNet: UNetConnection::SendCloseReason:
[2024.02.25-08.42.36:716][145]LogNet:  - Result=AddressResolutionFailed, ErrorContext="AddressResolutionFailed"
[2024.02.25-08.42.36:716][145]LogNet: UChannel::Close: Sending CloseBunch. ChIndex == 0. Name: [UChannel] ChIndex: 0, Closing: 0 [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr: , Name: IpConnection_0, Driver: PendingNetDriver IpNetDriver_0, IsServer: NO, PC: NULL, Owner: NULL, UniqueId: INVALID
[2024.02.25-08.42.36:720][146]LogNet: Error: UEngine::BroadcastNetworkFailure: FailureType = PendingConnectionFailure, ErrorString = Your connection to the host has been lost., Driver = PendingNetDriver IpNetDriver_0
[2024.02.25-08.42.36:720][146]LogNet: Warning: Network Failure: PendingNetDriver[PendingConnectionFailure]: Your connection to the host has been lost.
[2024.02.25-08.42.36:720][146]LogNet: NetworkFailure: PendingConnectionFailure, Error: 'Your connection to the host has been lost.'
[2024.02.25-08.42.36:720][146]LogGameMode: Display: Match State Changed from LeavingMap to Aborted
[2024.02.25-08.42.36:720][146]LogGameState: Match State Changed from LeavingMap to Aborted
[2024.02.25-08.42.36:720][146]LogNet: DestroyNamedNetDriver IpNetDriver_0 [PendingNetDriver]
[2024.02.25-08.42.36:736][147]LogGameMode: Display: Match State Changed from Aborted to LeavingMap
[2024.02.25-08.42.36:736][147]LogGameState: Match State Changed from Aborted to LeavingMap
[2024.02.25-08.42.36:736][147]LogNet: Browse: /Game/Maps/MAP_JUNK_MainMenu?closed

I am getting the above as the log output, it says broadcast network failure and connection to host lost!

Every time I use the update session node and change the max players the current players also change and I don’t know why

Ex. 1 player connected with 2 max players set updated to have 3 max players will return 2 current players even though no one additional players connected

They get current players in the subsystem logic by subtracting max and available slots. Its not in AS that it is gotten.

how do you increase both max players and available slots at the same time?
I only see update session having the ability to public and private connections, I assumed this changes the max player limit

Sorry i meant available slots was from that, was responding pretty early in the day. I don’t know why their player counts are reporting incorrectly from the steam subsystem.

Hi, I am currently getting a ‘0xc06d007e’ fatal error when I launch a a packaged build, this is on a brand new third person template project, I have added at least one c++ class as well.

Using UE 5.3.2 and the latest files from github

Epic isn’t outputting the steam dll to the packaged exe directory anymore. Its also one of the reasons I had to stop having the advanced steam sessions module depend on the steam subsystem in 5.3. For now find the steam dll in the output folders and place it next to the exe. I’m hoping 5.4 fixes the problem, if it doesn’t i’m going to have to change how the steam notifications subsystem works or start loading the dll manually.

Hey guys, can someone help me please. I am having a server crash on seamless travel, seems related to Advanced Sessions VOIP and traveling, but I cant figure out what is happening.

Here is the final part of the Log.

Why is it travelling to World None.none and why voip is crashing?

Advanced sessions doesn’t handle VOIP with an audio component itself, that is in the voice engine that the specific subsystem you are using uses. AS just gives you more BP nodes to interface with the subsystem for VOIP.

You aren’t manually unregistering talkers are you? You shouldn’t need to do any of that as the voice engine itself will do so.

Well, I was not but changed to unregister all before server travel, but nothing changed. I was destroying one of the pawn (the server one) but now i am just hiding it and indeed is more stable now. Gonna keep testing it.

Hey, @mordentral! I’m using UE 5.3.2 and when I paste plugin in folder, then my editor crashing and not opening now. I tried to change plugin version in Notepad++ and this isn’t working. What I gonna to do?

The version name is meaningless, its just there to show the minimum engine version it supports, the plugin hasn’t received relevant changes since 5.1 and is compatible up to 5.3 which is why it still says that.

Not sure what you have as a crash but you can try disabling the advanced steam sessions in your .uproject. In 5.3 I had to remove it forcing the steam subsystem active as that was crashing as the steam subsystem module isn’t correctly writing out its dll’s anymore.

The steam subsystem has to be active for the advanced steam sessions to run now.

Hopefully in 5.4 that will be corrected.

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Reading some off this before upgrading my project from 5.2 to 5.3, but now im not so sure I should… Does everything still work in 5.3?

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Yes…but you have to do some of those workarounds currently.

Really hoping its all functional in 5.4 without them.

Is there a binary for the 5.4 Preview that we can download somewhere?

No, I don’t compile binaries for preview builds as preview builds aren’t technically usable. Anyone using a preview should be capable of compiling it themselves or they shouldn’t be using a preview.

I will note that I added the steam subsystem activation back in and it appears to be working correctly.

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Question: I’m allowing the host to set the max players

Which is fine, normally i want this to work.
However, is it possible for a player who has a specific bool set to true, to bypass this limit and find this lobby and join even if max players are in?
So far ive tried to remove the is playing filter but the lobby still isnt coming up for a dev, so i assume its because of the max player limit the host set

So is it possible to bypass with my ‘isDev?’ bool?