Advanced Sessions Plugin

It should work but I don’t really know what else to do? My session also sends achievements that the host hasn’t unlocked yet to both players when the joined player does something to unlock one. Like it’s loading the same Steam ID for all players?

I’m trying to display the SteamID and all it says is this. Am I missing something?

I have no way of knowing, did you implement steam auth and are testing outside of a direct steam download? You shouldn’t even be able to find sessions over steam without a valid ID so it has to be filling in.

Getting the Steam ID works fine outside of a created/joined advanced session, the correct Steam ID gets shown. Once I join a hosted session the ID no longer displays and shows that error. The hosts Steam ID displays correctly, but the joined players does not.

I am testing on a live Steam build this is the BP code for joining/creating a session:

Have you tried delaying for a bit before checking or at you doing it directly on load.

Also are you checking from the server or client.

Hey, I’ve noticed that in 4.27 when searching for non lan sessions nothing happens no matter what.

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having the same issue 25/04/2022 when will be fixed it is urgent UE 4.26
everytime i package my project it will not open and if i package my project without plugins folder it works I’m using advanced steam sessions

The 4.26 copy of the plugin hasn’t had changes since 01/21/2021 and your log there is saying that the engine is failing to load the SteamShared module. There is nothing for me to change, you are either packaging for an incompatible with steam build target or you have screwed up your engine install somehow.

Solved this problem by just creating a c++ class. You don’t have to do anything with the class just create it

found the solution solved go to plugins search for shar tick the module for some reason they turned it off you have to do it manually now

Hi, we’re using Advanced Sessions plugin version 4.27 (in UE4.27.2) on many platforms and right now I’m trying it with EOS… but we have problem to find “lobby” sessions.

Information that newly created session should be “lobby” is carried in ‘bUseLobbiesIfAvailable’ flag of ‘NewSessionSettings’ param passed to ‘CreateSession’ method.

We also specify in ‘UFindSessionsCallbackProxyAdvanced’ BP node via ‘bSearchLobbies’ that we want to find “lobby” sessions. Yet during debuging
I found out that ‘FindSessions’ ends with searching not for “lobby” but “EOS” sessions… because ‘SearchSettings->QuerySettings’ doesn’t contain ‘SEARCH_LOBBIES’ item.

UFindSessionsCallbackProxyAdvanced is using ‘bSearchLobbies’ only if ‘ServerSearchType’ is equal to ‘ClientServersOnly’ but we requesting ‘AllServers’.

Adding ‘SEARCH_LOBBIES’ item also in this branch doesn’t solve the problem because it will force ‘FindSessions’ to search for “lobbies” but even if they are found they are (probably) filtered-out because they weren’t created with ‘SEARCH_LOBBIES=true’ data (that is now included in ‘QuerySettings’).
I know it isn’t probably clear, sorry.

One “dirty / hot-fix” solution would probably be (inside ‘CreateSession’) to

  1. propagate ‘bSearchLobbies’ from ‘UFindSessionsCallbackProxyAdvanced’ in all appropriate cases
  2. add ‘SEARCH_LOBBIES=true’ to ‘NewSessionSettings’ either (preferably, both changes in plugin) in ‘UCreateSessionCallbackProxyAdvanced’ (if bUseLobbiesIfAvailable == true) or later in ‘CreateSession’.

But probably someone can thing of better solution or point me in the right direction as we’re probably doing something wrong.

NOTE: if I modify ‘FindSessions’ so it looks for “lobbies” without the need of ‘SEARCH_LOBBIES’ the sessions are found.


Can you download and test this branch for me?

Its enabling the second dedicated only search that steam has been using for all subsystems and flagging the search lobbies for it.

Hi, sorry but I must confess that I didn’t try it (yet) as I came up with “dirty-hot-fix” (just for EOS) by myself and your solution would require (because it is platform independent) time-consuming tests on all other platforms we’re aiming for.

I just compare the modifications against our version of “Advanced Sessions” plugin. Just as you wrote you enabled “secondary” search (till now only for Steam) that ensures the search-query contains ‘SEARCH_LOBBIES==true’ record.

But I suspect it won’t be enough. I also did a change in ‘UCreateSessionCallbackProxyAdvanced::Activate()’ - added same “SEARCH_LOBBIES” record to new session settings because now it is newly part of search-query (to enforce right code path searching not for “EOS” but for “lobby” sessions) and session created without it would be later “filtered out” as they wouldn’t match “search” params.

My English is terrible so I hope it is more clear now. But anyway thank you for your fast response… I really appreciate it.


In UE 5.0.1, I can’t get my game to find steam sessions or lobbies. However, in UE 4.27, FindSessionsAdvanced() works as expected with the exact same settings.

I don’t know what difference is here. I’ve been digging through the plugin code and changing different settings around and still no luck.

I’m not using dedicated servers and tested using 2 machines with different dev steam accounts. I’m stuck and do not know how to proceed just yet.

EDIT: Slight oversight on my end. Was able to get things working after stepping away for a while and coming back to it.

I think you misunderstood the change, the second query doesn’t search lobbies, it searchs with all BUT SEARCH_LOBBIES, then adds SEARCH_LOBBIES on for the lobby search.

hello im new to unreal engine, how do i package my using advanced session plug in. Whenever I enable “shipping” in package my advance session wont work and steam won’t open.

Steam requires an App_ID.txt file with your app id in it in the .exe directory if you don’t have it (the app id) setup in your steam depot.

When you run a packaged development build it auto generates that file, it doesn’t for shipping as it expects you to have the depot setup.

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Yeah, of course you’re right… I went through the changes very quickly.
Yesterday I finally found time to test your fix and as expected it works :).
So thank you once again.


Hello, I’m using UE4.27 and Advanced Sessions plugin 4.27 and trying to connect to a dedicated server that uses the UE4 SteamSockets plugin and was running into issues establishing a connection after the dedicated server is found on the client.
Whenever the client tries to connect, the dedicated server throws the following warning in the logs and disconnects the player attempting to connect:

[2022.05.05-15.11.48:688][475]LogSteamSocketsAPI: Warning: SteamSockets API: Warning SteamNetworkingSockets lock held for 7.9ms. (Performance warning.) ServiceThread,CProcessP2PSignalFromSteamBackend,InternalReceivedP2PSignal,BeginFetchNetworkConfig
This is usually a symptom of a general performance problem such as thread starvation.
[2022.05.05-15.11.58:582][772]LogSteamSocketsAPI: Warning: SteamSockets API: Warning Ignoring P2P signal from ‘steamid:76363298784753576’, unknown remote connection #4024078652
[2022.05.05-15.12.17:096][328]LogSteamSocketsAPI: Warning: SteamSockets API: Warning Ignoring P2P signal from ‘steamid:76363298784753576’, unknown remote connection #895846983
[2022.05.05-15.17.50:998][352]LogSteamSocketsAPI: Warning: SteamSockets API: Warning Ignoring P2P signal from ‘steamid:76363298784753576’, unknown remote connection #1014747490
[2022.05.05-15.21.24:750][768]LogSteamSocketsAPI: Verbose: SteamSockets API: Log Certificate expires in 47h50m at 1651936284 (current time 1651764084), will renew in 45h50m

Steam sockets works quiet well with Listen server connections but it’s just not letting me connect any players to dedicated servers, though the players can see the dedicated server and the server even detects a connection attempt. I’ve double checked port forwarding on the machine, and clients can even see the dedicated server, so that’s likely not a problem.

Does anyone have any ideas why this error is popping up, and what I can do to fix it? Can’t seem to find anything online after a lot of searching also.


Hi, this is happening to me as well. builds perfectly fine for Windows but trying to build for Linux I get this same error. can you explain how to do the whitelist part of your solution. when I build it fails due to not having android platform stuff installed and I don’t need android platform for my game.


Hello, u will update plugin for ue5?