Advanced Locomotion System V4 - Character can't move after doing multiplayer blueprint tutorials in UE4

Advanced Locomtion System (ALS) V4 has been working pretty nicely before I started following some Unreal Engine tutorials on how to do multiplayer with blueprints.

I followed a little less than halfway through Blueprint Multiplayer by Unreal Engine themselves, then quit after I learnt that it was kind of outdated and that the Steam connection didn’t work.

Then I followed Steam Multiplayer Fundamentals by DevSquad. The connection with Steam worked, but I noticed something different when I played a level. (The reason why I didn’t notice I was mostly doing the UI for the multiplayer functionality at the end of the tutorial series, and didn’t play-test the maps yet.)

What happened:

  1. When I played the level, the camera was acting a bit weird…like, it had no control?

  2. I couldn’t move using WASD, but I could jump.

Help would be very much appreciated, as I want to finish the game prototype by the end of the year. Thank you!

I’m having this issue with my single-player game. I just added a couple of functions and changed a few inputs. Now my player cannot move. Did you find a solution?