Advanced Laser, Energy, & Bullet Decal System

Thanks MrMrC! I will get those eventually. I’m going to spend some time to improve my craft. Hopefully, everyone will like the results. =)

Awesome Staggerlee, I’m glad you like it and I will continue to try resolving future issues as quickly as possible.

impressive video and i’m excited to get started. followed instructions but now feeling like i got in a little over my head. :frowning:

Got the physics ini → loaded it → went to existing materials and set one to physics type “concrete” … so now if i collide any projectile with it, it’ll work? Idk :frowning:

really wish you made that how to use it video that was mentioned a bunch of posts back it would’ve been clutch!

Your Craft is the bomb

Thanks, the first thing is to make sure the demo room works. After you loaded the ini file and restarted the editor, open the demo map and see if the decals are being placed. That means you got it all setup. Let me know if you are having issues still!

=P , thanks!

Purchased, thanks!

Hi all! I have two questions:
1). Will there be an update to 4.9?
2). How to add the Advanced Laser, Energy & Bullet Decal System to the Generic Shooter Sample Project? Thanks in advance for any help.


I have just purchased your adv. decal pack, only to find that it does not really work (at least on 4.9). The decals are there, but all the blueprints are not functioning, and the demo map is useless. When to expect a fix?

Hi Lordink,

Thanks for purchasing my pack. Are you running version 4.9.2? The patch that is up there now does work with 4.9.2. Did you import the physics.ini file into the project and see the Demo map work at all?

Hey. Yes, 4.9.2 it is. How do I import the physics.ini? I tried putting it into config folder of the project, but it did nothing. The problem with the code of demoroom (as well as the func library that u wrote) is that it switches on the physical materials enum, which is empty (I assume that is exactly why I need to import physics.ini).

Yeah, thats going to be the problem. I put instructions on Post #13 of this thread:

The problem is that the links are now already broken. You will need to manually connect them or re-add the pack to the project. Let me know if you have any more issues.

Hello, just purchased. Seems there is no DemoMap? followed up to importing the Physics.ini. No map to load though!

EDIT: For some reason the maps didn’t load in the first 2 projects I made, strange. Third times the charm, Works now! Thank you!

Any chance for quick video tutorial on how to add this pack to existing project?

Hey I cant get this to work at all in 4.11. Decals spawning all wierd, laser not etc. When are you deploying a fix for 4.11?

Anybody else having these issues?

This set of assets is very easy to implement and saved me quite a lot of time. I implemented it successfully on 4.12 in my projectile BP, within 15 mins. One quick question. Are decals affected by static lighting? Perhaps it is my project settings, but under static light decals do not seem to be detailed. In any case, thank you very much for the hard work behind this, I am more than happy with the purchase.

Hi Devero,

Does this system use actual decals, or particles as the decal?

~Mike D.