I’ve looked everywhere for this answer but can’t seem to find it.
What I want to do:
- NPC wanders randomly around area
- Player clicks and drags an object and drops it into the world
- NPC notices that the player has placed a new item, NPC walks over to it, NPC emotes
- NPC goes back to wandering around
I’m going to have a side bar with objects that the player can place to decorate an area. A pet is going to be in the play area, and I want the pet to notice when the player adds something new, then walk over to check it out. The pet would react positively or negatively with an emote like dancing, cheering, booing, etc.
After, the pet should lose interest and go back to wandering around. Is this possible, or easy to do?
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my issue! Have a great day!