Hi Community
I am doing my first museum installation. It consists of a table at which the user sits, and he/she sees the same table in VR. The user can interact with virtual small things on the table, and then he/she jumps to environments, where these objects are coming from. I handle these player transformations from the accurate position at the table to the positions in the environments of the objects and back to the table through a player transformation variables in the level blueprint. This works on one system fine, but I am developing with several rift sets, one is at the client, one at my shop etc. Each time I bring along my laptop to one of these locations I have to adapt the player transformation manually, as the rift systems seem not to be able to set up identically. Do I really have to do each time such a relative zero’ing of the system, as I know it from CNC machines? This is a drag, and if we want to give away the system for free, it will be impossible to use. So I guess I am doing something basically wrong here, so please excuse and give clever advice! Many thanks Mischa
Provided that:
the sensors are located on the table always in the same spot (in particular distance between them and distance from the position the user is going to sit in)
the sensors have a consistent orientation
the user always sits in the same position relative to the table and to the sensors
you are using Floor Level as your Tracking Origin
you ask the user to sit on the chair, wear the HMD, look straight ahead and then call ResetOrientationAndPosition
you should get an accurate match each and every time.
Thanks very much, dear VR_Marco! I think this answers settles my problem, I did not know about “ResetOrientationAndPosition”, and of course I will try this. So I guess that we may look at my question as solved. Super!
I would say, give it a try following my recommendations above and comment again here in case you face an issues. Will try to help you further.
Is the idea that the user will sit in a chair in front of a real life table, and then the Virtual table should be in relatively the same place? If so, rather than relying on the Rift setup and player being in the centre of play space, you could have the user press/hold a button when they are sat on the chair in the real world.
When the button is pressed, call an event to set the position of the Pawn/Character in the world to also be in front of a table. That way, no matter what the setup, the player will always be able to use that button to put themselves in front of a table.
The PSVR uses this system if you hold the start button for two seconds, you need to recentre the user in your world.
Dear Dune - this is so great, to go to sleep in France, while friendly people around the world look after your problems. Seems a great solution, will try this and report.
Kind regards