Hi Doug](https://forums.unrealengine.com/member.php?12577-Doug) I think I fix the problem, now each time a new file is opened in the same session, the addon will re-init itself, so all setting should be back to default and should fix all problems reported by you. If not, please let me know.
Download here , or of course, on the main page (version 1.2.2)
thanatosx](https://forums.unrealengine.com/member.php?8490-thanatosx), no, sorry this addon not do that , but you have tools in for do that, I not test it but I think if you export the animation from UE4 in FBX , then you can import the FBX in and then you will have an armature with all the keyframes so you can retarget to your character (in , I recommend make walk) or change the animation ( no idea if will work when you import in UE4 , maybe you need retarget to the mannequin first, before export)
After using the ‘set UE scale’ I have to set the scale in the Export Tools of the Addon to 0.01 or the mesh will be VERY large in UE. The scale in the Units section of is correctly set to 0.01.
Am I doing anything wrong? Or is this correct? I thought/hoped I could export using a scale of 1.
Very nice tool. One suggestion, I would love to see having your tool hosted over on GitHub, this would make changes and community additions easier to handle.
** Bean**](https://forums.unrealengine.com/member.php?4041--Bean) you have this problem on skeletal mesh or also with the static meshes? for skeletal meshes the export scale in the FBX is like say " hey my exported mesh is in X scale (cm,m ect…)" so the exporter save that data on the FBX file and then when you read that data in other app you can know how many you need scale it to fit in you app, so if you export the skeletal mesh with 1 in the export scale and 0.01 on the scene scale … you are telling the next app you Fbx is in meters. ( I think this is only for skeletal meshes, If it has not been changed in later versions).
**Moss**](https://forums.unrealengine.com/member.php?1348-Moss) I will do it, I'm agree this would make changes and community additions easier to handle. **TidB**](https://forums.unrealengine.com/member.php?34509-TidB) send me some links for see how manage it etc.. but I need see more in deep, I'm making a game and you know, when you're focused on a project and come out ideas is difficult to stop;) but I will do it as soon as I can
** Bean**](https://forums.unrealengine.com/member.php?4041--Bean) I found something , working on it , expect a fix in a few mijnutes. Basically scale in BIN7400 and ASCII 6100 work in diferent way now , I not notice it before thanks for notice me !
When using the standard export menu(file->export) I had the same problem while all the available docs/forums/ is saying: ‘use 0.01 in scene and 1 in the export and you will be fine’. I thought it was me, gladd to see you found something which proofs me sane
I hope the project will stop fiddling with these variables soon, because it seems to be different each version they release
Ok guys here is the addon updated for fix the problem with the scale using BIN 7400 however I want continue making changes related with this. Basically , remove the option for export in ASCII 6100.
Before publish a new version on the addon main page, I want to know if someone still using ASCII 6100, or if this format can be useful for something related with UE4 ( I think no but I can be wrong).
Let me explain the changes and why
In :
When ASCII 6100 is used, the export scale is equal to how many you want scale the mesh before export, so for example , the scene scale is 1 in meters, and on the export options the scale is set to 100, then will scale the mesh by 100 and then export it. This was only for static meshes (if I not remember wrong , skeletal meshes work like in BIN 7400)
When BIN 7400 is used it work in different way. What matters is the scene scale. So if scene scale is set to 1 and you have 1 cube(2m) and export scale is set to 1000 the FBX will “think” that the mesh is in kilometers so when you import the mesh in another app , the size for the cube is 2 Km.
So what I done is the following:
Each time you init the addon, the addon export scale will be set up like the scene scale.
If you set up the scale for UE4 through the addon, the export scale will be set appropriately if you have the Format BIN 7400 (0.01) selected (is by default)
If you select ASCII 6100 no changes
If you select BIN 7400 on the addon drop down menu, the export scale will be set appropriately ( to the scene scale, so for people who like work in units instead, still work)
In case you change the scene scale manually for some reason, you must update manually the export scale (or just re-choose the in the drop down menu ’ BIN 7400’) because…
Now let me explain the "problem " and why I want to remove the ASCII 6100:
I only have 1 way to know if the scene scale is changed and change the addon export scale appropriately. Using the scene scale value for the export when you press a button or something on the addon. But this have a problem because ASCII 6100 not use the scene scale. I can make some check and some calculations etc… or just remove ASCII 6100
So please let me know what do you think about the ASCII 6100 and if you use it in some way.
BTW, since I’m working on the addon now, I will try to upload to Github now
BTW, I think, set the scale in centimeters is only useful when some calculations are needed, like for calculate physics, and since I want add a feature for export premade-physic animations to UE4 as skeletal meshes I want maintain the ability to set the scale
I am trying to take a makehuman character and simply skin it to the heroTPP/ThirdPersonSkeleton so that I can use the animations from the RifleAnimSet and PistolAnimSet and other Kubold sets to save me a ton of work since we are a very very small team with no specialists.
I am trying to take the .blend file included with the plugin, delete the mesh, import my makehuman mesh in T pose, scale it to the proper scale, apply the armature to the mesh with automatic weights, the rigify controller works fine in . Then I “Export Character” and upon importing (with the frame 0 as reference pose setting checked, HeroTPP skeleton as the skeleton to use and HeroTPP physics assets to use.) It imports fine and its the right size, the asme number of bones, and the bones are the same names and line up.
Upon import I get the same “Vert xxxxx…” errors
When I try to play an animatino though I get an even worse result, an aboslute mess the bone go everywhere and it resembles an star exploding on an *** trip rather than an idle animation or such. I am using the nightly MakeHuman build and will try 1.02 but since I’m only using the mesh data from makehuman it shouldnt matter.
Hi Nsomnia](https://forums.unrealengine.com/member.php?29384-Nsomnia) well I receive this “missing influence” error because since MK skeleton have more bones, I guess some vertices of the Mk mesh were assigned to bones that I do not export.
In your case, have you try, before skin the character to the Hero Rig, delete all vertex groups on the mesh or at least the vertex groups that are not assigned to any Hero Rig Bones?
BTW, if you install the addon installing the zip file instead just the .py file, then you can press the button “Append hero” and is the same as open the template file included.
The error about Smothing groups, really I think is an issue on UE4 or side, I found how to avoid that error , and is export the FBX using “edge” for the Smothing option , but I think this is not ideal because if you have a split edges (double vertex) UE4 will merge the vertex, the addon use for the smothing groups “normal” ( in phyton that means OFF for smothing groups) because I found that I can import a mesh with any problems related to the smoth shading even if I have split vertex and some parts with smoth shading and some parts flat shading in same mesh using “normal”. If I’m wrong someone can correct me?
I downloaded the latest package, opened the example .blend, made a very simple animation, exported it, and it looked like this.
My guess is that it might be related to bone roll, but I’m not 100% on it, I am mostly a coder.
I’m sorry if I missed something really obvious, I’ve been trying to solve this for days.
I think your problems is, you assigned a wrong skeleton to the animation when you import the animation.
If you create an animation with the blend template, you should use (in UE4) The skeleton for the character on the blend template, so you must import the character too.
If you want to use you animation in the default UE4 template character, for exmaple if you have all the blueprint script in the default character and you only want add an animation, see this short video:
And well I recommend just install the zip file instead of just the .py script so you don’t need to work directly on the template
I hope that helps
how does this work with the rigify add-on that is part of now?
If it works well do you have rename bones for use with UE4, or just make your own Animations. Im new to both and unreal engine 4, and could use some advice. I have yet to get a toon i made to work right with UE4 trying to use the rig i got from the devs files i found. And so far Your add-on looks the most promising, my thought was to make fully rigged toons with the rigify Human (meta-rig) and Pitchipoy Human (meta-rig) armatures.
But i havent played with your add-on yet, as im trying to learn more about it.
If it does work well with those ones Animation of movie/toon like models would be even easier for unreal. Also what about the Guns and stuff picking them up with the model if you use those rigs. I am assuming if you would have to do all the animations yourself. And would need the Bone to attach the gun/item to? Sorry im a total noob on this.
Any advice, or help would be great. I hope your add-on becomes the primary one for UE4 for and that they add it to the base install like the other Rigify add-ons. It would do wonders for everyone trying to export to Unreal.
edit: I upgraded to 2.74 and the error no longer appears
Hello, your work on this addon is very much appreciated. I’ve been struggling to keep the scale settings correct each time on load so this addon is more than welcome
I’m running into an error when attempting to export a static mesh. I believe this is similar to one posted earlier but I’m using the latest version of your tool.
Here are my repro steps and the error I receive when attempting to export:
• Open a blank scene, set the scale using the Scene Tool you've provided
• Add a basic Cube mesh to the scene
• Select the Static asset type
• Attempt to export with default settings
Initially I was getting this error when attempting to export an animated mesh but I wanted to reduce any complexities. Hopefully I’m just missing a small step
-Removed all options related with ASCII 6100, now all exports wikll be in BIN format
-New Export Panel ( only for static meshes)
-Updated the mannequin to the new manequin provided by epic (also an option for append the mobile version)
-Added a button for export camera Animation