Adding widget to viewport in a VR game results in it being rendered outside of either eye

I’m creating a simple VR game for Android and I have a kind of HUD widget which displays the score at set intervals when I have it do its animation to show and hide itself. In order to attach it, I do this in my character’s blueprint:

… and while it surely does add the blueprint to the viewport according to the placement constraints provided in the widget, it does it naively, ie. outside of either eye’s view but rather on top of everything, as if this was a flat game:

This of course makes it hardly readable and weird to look at when in headset. How do I make it render itself in VR, then?

EDIT: If I just place my widget as a widget component added to one of the actors, I lose the easiness of placement control from what I see so that’s not really a good workaround :frowning: Now I simply have it set up in my UMG to be 60 or so pixels from the upper right hand corner of the screen by using anchors. If I just add it as a component to one of the blueprints, I have to choose the specific placement, which IRL varies depending on the phone it’s played on, no?

you put the widget on a special type of plane mesh that is in front of the player rather that adding it to the viewport.

you can just google ‘ue4 3d widget’ there’s a rather dense population of tutorials.

Thank you but would 3d widget actually work here? If I just place my widget as a widget component added to one of the actors, I lose the easiness of placement control, right? Now I simply have it set up in my UMG to be 60 or so pixels from the upper right hand corner of the screen by using anchors. If I just add it as a component to one of the blueprints, I have to choose the specific placement, which IRL varies depending on the phone it’s played on, no?