Adding the "flash" to light sources

You know how when you look at a brightly lit object, it just looks like a ball of radiating light?

I’m trying to replicate this effect, but cannot find anything on it online. The closest thing I found if lens flare, which doesn’t look similar at all. Anyone knows how to make one?

Here’s an example of this effect in Half-Life 2

Here’s the same effect, except much stronger from my old Portal mod

It’s called ‘bloom’. You can set it on a post process volume.

I set my bloom to 100 The result is that everything is brightly glowing, except my light source, which isn’t even visible

Where is your light in that second picture?

Exactly! You can’t even see it.
The light is here. It’s a spotlight, which is set to always follow the player

If you just point it at the ground, does it work?


I disabled the rotation blueprint and was left with un-moving dynamic light. The glow still doesn’t appear.
I think at this point it might be easier to fake the glow using something like particle system or a sprite (like Source Engine does), but I don’t have enough UE knowledge to do that.

This light non-propogation thing is quite common, I’m seeing…

perhaps it’s a problem with the current version of the engine, that’s why I’m looking for alternative ways of achieving the effect, like the aforementioned sprite or particle.

I think it is.

Was it you having this problem with light not going under a door?

Can you show the lumen scene for this area?

Do you have mesh fields enabled for the project?

Was it you having this problem with light not going under a door?

Sorry, no. I just started the level design for my game today.

Can you show the lumen scene for this area?

I don’t use lumen. I found the performance hit makes a lot of low-spec people unhappy. I rely on baked lights instead. (Unless lumen here has a different meaning that I am not aware of)

Do you have mesh fields enabled for the project?

Sorry, I do not know what a mesh field is.

You don’t need MDF if you’re not using Lumen.

There is also a problem with building light, and then all the light goes away…

I’d use dynamic lighting for now, let them iron out some bugs… Then at least you can get going…

This 1 light is dynamic, as it has to follow player, as global illumination, I’d rather have my game be less visually pleasing than take the Lumen performance hit. I’m an indie dev and many of my players do not have hardware to handle things like these.
I found that I can make a sphere with strongly emissive material which replicates the effect pretty nicely. I’ll include the result as soon as I’m finished with it, so that any other user stumbling onto my post might replicate it for themselves

This is the final result I’ve managed to achieve.

The image you see is a sphere mesh with all its shadows disabled and a material applied.

The appropriately named material is simply a while 3vector with emissive color cranked up to ridiculous amounts.

The sphere is later overlaid onto the light (again, with shadows disabled, so that it doesn’t block it).

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