Just noticed a graphical issue and it could be driver related but what happened was I just added sphere geometry and as I started increasing the Tesselation, it starts rapidly flickering from the left vertical hemisphere to the right. The BSP itself isn’t flicking, it’s the vertices and edges that are visible when a BSP Brush is selected. DXDIAG below… take care
The flickering that you are seeing is caused by the Temproal AA in the engine. You can fix this by going under SHOW in the viewport and disabling the Anti-Aliasing. You will need to turn this back on to see how the AA is affecting your level before packaging.
I see… thankfully I don’t really focus so much on BSP brushes anyway. I was putting together a test scene and created some spheres to view the Materials. I notice a lot of flickering with the TextRenderComponent when Temporal AA is enabled. Let me ask you, would FXAA be a better solution?