Is there a way to make a camera plane facing (billboarding) mesh also have a random initial orientation on just 1 axis. I don’t see that option using the Initial Mesh Orientation
Basically, I want to spawn a circular blood mesh that’s always facing the player but spawns a random orientation on the X axis between -360 to 360 degrees. Not a rotation rate.
You can still use Initial Mesh Orientation and then feed a Random Range Float for the angle.
In the example below I’ve set the “Mesh Orientation Mode” to “Orient to Quaternion”, then used a “Make Quat from Axis Angle” as the input and a “Random Range Float” between 0 and 360 for the “AngleInDegrees”
Of course, I also had to change the particles’ “Facing Mode” to “Camera Position”
You could also bake down the circular blood mesh to a texture so that you can use a sprite instead of the static mesh in your emitter. But you probably have your reasons to have it as a static mesh