adding separete ability to individual team lyra starter game

hi im having an issue with my custom level in the lyra starter game. or the issue is i dont get it. I’m trying to make it so one of my two teams has special abilities while the other one doesn’t. First, I was thinking I should apply a separate ability set To the different teams, but I did not find where the ability set originally was assigned. So that gave me the idea to just get all actors Of the. Team, but I also didn’t Find where the teams are made This gave me the idea to just use the spawn pads and add a tag when you spawn in from a spawn pad assigned to a team. And I have done this I added a for each loop with the array and used the yet ability system component to give a ability class and give the GA hero dash. But it doesn’t work since I think I also need to add the input tag ability dash tag. But to add the tag I apparently needed something called a tag container and I don’t get how to use this. please help…