I’m trying to grab all of the objects that appear in the content browser and apply a property to all of them and have that property display something in the details panel in the editor all within a plugin.
I did some digging to figure out how to do this, but I’m stuck… with a few things:
- I have a class that inherits from UObject that can become a variable in a blueprint which I want to have attached to every single blueprint class.
- I tried using PropertyModule.RegisterCustomClassLayout() to apply the property in the details panel, but it only applies it to a single class at a time.
- I see that I can use RegisterPropertyTypeLayout() but I’m not really sure what it does, it seems to add a separate widget to the editor from the looks of it, but I can’t say for certain if someone could shed light on this function for me.
- I figured I can use IsInBlueprint to check if an object is a blueprint, but I have yet to figure out how to get all of the objects in a list (From the content browser class maybe?).
- I see that I can use AddComponent() to actors, would this be good enough to attach my object to all of the objects during designer time?
If anyone can help me at all, I would appreciate it