AddForce to this pawn


	InputComponent->BindAxis("Forward", this, &AMyPawnHover::MoveActor);
	InputComponent->BindAxis("Turn", this, &AMyPawnHover::TurnActor);

In those two functions i calculate the current thrust and current turn.

With those obtained, I want to add this to the Pawn class.

For example, I want to refer to the this pawn. So in C# how you refer to the object, this.x = 10;

or in this can, this. Addforce(new Vector 3…)

// Called every frame
void AMyPawnHover::Tick(float DeltaTime)

	//happens over time, not a burst
	if (FMath::Abs(m_curThrust) > 0)
		//vector 3 ForwardForce = this.transform.forward. * m_curThrust * Deltatime * this.mass
		//this.rigidbody.AddForce (ForwardForce) 


In this update function the vehicle will move depending on the forward force,

I just need to know how to use the access this pawns “AddForce” method.

Thank you.


		FVector myActorForwardVector = GetActorForwardVector();
		FVector ForwardForce = myActorForwardVector * m_curThrust * DeltaTime;

I retrieve the force, but now I need the actors mass and>AddForce(ForwardForce)

Do you use some kind of movement component?
If you do then check if that movement component has support for control using forces e.g.
in CharacterMovementComponent you have

virtual void AddImpulse(FVector Impulse,bool bVelocityChange)
virtual void AddForce(FVector Force)

If you don’t you and you set the root component to simulate physics then:

 void AMyPawnHover::Tick(float DeltaTime)
     //happens over time, not a burst
     if (FMath::Abs(m_curThrust) > 0)
         FVector myActorForwardVector = GetActorForwardVector();
         FVector ForwardForce = myActorForwardVector * m_curThrust * DeltaTime;
         if(RootComponent && RootComponent->IsAnySimulatingPhysics())//Check if root component is valid

@lion32 can you help me please?