Add the basics unreal engine maps on a single project?

Hi !

Im wondering if we can create a project with all of the basics maps of Unreal Engine 4 : Reflections (Subway), Sun Temple, Particle Effects (Cave) …
Cause we can create a project using it but not add to a project, it would be a shame if we can’t do this ! :frowning:

Thanks in advance !

Just migrate the files to your content folder in the project you created.

That are the two ways how you can do it -> :slight_smile:

Great !
Thanks for all !

Oh i forgot,
can we do that even if the version of the map dont match with the project ?
I tryed but textures done wrong !

You can just do that from e.g 4.7 to 4.8, but not vice versa
Make sure that you keep the folder structure, otherwise you will lose some references

Ok thanks !