Add render target material to slate widget using CPP

Hi everyone,
I’m new to unreal engine (Currently using UE 4.26) and would be happy for some assistance in the following topic:
first of all i want to make sure as i did some digging i didnt find an easy way to create an additional in game window (stand alone not split screen), the only way i came across was using slate and its api for new window (is there another way i am not aware of?)
after creating the slate cpp code following dedicated tutorials, i would like to add to my cpp class a render target created from a camera,
is it possible to perform using SNew(SImage)?

i was trying something around:
MyUIResources = FModuleManager::GetModuleChecked(FName(“MyProject”)).GetSlateGameResources();
FString ImagePath = FPaths::ProjectContentDir() / TEXT(“Developers/Collections/SlateBrush”);
FName BrushName = FName(*ImagePath);
TSharedRef ImageToAdd = SNew(SImage)
.Image(new FSlateImageBrush(BrushName, FVector2D(500, 500)));

If further information is required please let me know.
Thanks everyone.