Hi everyone,
I’m new to unreal engine (Currently using UE 4.26) and would be happy for some assistance in the following topic:
first of all i want to make sure as i did some digging i didnt find an easy way to create an additional in game window (stand alone not split screen), the only way i came across was using slate and its api for new window (is there another way i am not aware of?)
after creating the slate cpp code following dedicated tutorials, i would like to add to my cpp class a render target created from a camera,
is it possible to perform using SNew(SImage)?
i was trying something around:
MyUIResources = FModuleManager::GetModuleChecked(FName(“MyProject”)).GetSlateGameResources();
FString ImagePath = FPaths::ProjectContentDir() / TEXT(“Developers/Collections/SlateBrush”);
FName BrushName = FName(*ImagePath);
TSharedRef ImageToAdd = SNew(SImage)
.Image(new FSlateImageBrush(BrushName, FVector2D(500, 500)));
If further information is required please let me know.
Thanks everyone.