Hello everyone !
(Sorry for my bad english)
I recently start to study UnrealEngine BluePrint for my personnal project (Horror game mood)
and i have some issues with the FirstPersonCharacter : I think is quite simple, but i don’t succed to find where the settings/problem is.
I delete the BP nodes used by the weapon/bullets FirstPersonCharacter and add flashlight instead (spotlight and mesh link to the Mesh2P), with BP switch on/off .
Working well, except when i start moving around in the level with the character, my light has a weird moving delay (about 1s) as if i was running to fast for 1s and it catch me up 1s later after i stop…
On the event Graph, where the Gun/Weapon nodes was apply previously i linked my flashlight mesh node > [Flashlight]-------[–>o(Target) - Set Hidden in Game] (Pic.01)
Maybe it’s the Attach to Component in the Construction Script which i modify, who creates issues ?
Before in the target slot was link the Gun/Weapon node, and now i link the Mesh2P twice. (Pic.02)
Because, if i let the target slot empty the BluePrint don’t want to compile and run, and when i plug my Flashlight mesh node, Unreal BP resize my flashlight as big as the previous weapon was. That’s why finally i plug my Mesh2P twice…
So…I’m little lost…
- The issue could be provide from my delete Weapon/Bullet nodes ? Or just bad linked nodes ?
- Which settings/nodes could be tweak for remove this delay ?
- What kind of Nodes/BP i can use on the Target Slot in the Attach To Component to avoid using my Mesh2P twice?
- Thanks for reading this guys - If you need more info or screens, ask me !
Thanks !