Add Impulse ignoring Physics Collision

I am trying to add an impulse in the direction of where the camera is looking from the center of the static mesh. I think I’ve got it working however, I have an issue with the static mesh just ignoring collision sometimes, it just goes right through a collision… Sometimes it’s working fine but other times it just goes right through and I have no idea why… I’ve tried a custom and automatic collision on the static mesh but it doesn’t help. I’ve tried googling but haven’t been able to find a fix.

I will provide the code for the impulse just in case I’m doing something wrong.

FVector ForwardLocation = StaticMeshComp->GetComponentLocation() +  (CameraComp->GetForwardVector() * 5000);
ForwardLocation.Z = GetActorLocation().Z;
StaticMeshComp->AddImpulse(ForwardLocation.GetSafeNormal() * MaxPower * Dt, NAME_None, true);

Thanks for any help or advice!