Add Feature - Configure render FPS in editor

I ran the editor with default settings to my gpu. My gpu and cpu waste a lot a clycles when the editor is in idle.
This increments the temperature and is not good.
This is the image:
After that, I ran the editor but a special configuration to my gpu. I limited the fps to 20.
This is the image:
The gpu and cpu work more fine and not incremented the temperature.
The edit work fine and fluid.

I think that if the editor can limits the fps can be a great feature.

My hardware:
i5 3570, 16gb ddr3
gtx 650 ti asus

Hi Oscar,

Thank you for your feedback. I have created a report for rendering control so that you can limit how much gpu/cpu cycles the editor is taking up. If the issue is with temperature from overworking the hardware, it may be a good investment to upgrade your cooling system until we can fulfill your request. If there is anything else that could enhance performance, please let us know.

Thank you,


Cryengine I think stops rendering all together when you’re not using it. I love this about it.

+1 this request