I have two Classes: UItem and UWeapon. Both classes have the same parent class. An Item, can have a simple static mesh, while a weapon has a skeletal mesh, since they are animated. Now, I have an Actor Called ItemPickup. This Pickup has a UPROPERTY, that contains a UClass which is a SubClass of BaseItem, that is the parent Class of Item and Weapon. In my Pickup Actor, I now want to add either a StaticMesh Component or a SkeletalMesh Component, based on the Item class that has been assigned to the actor. I tried adding the component in OnConstruction:
UWeapon* testWeapon = Cast<UWeapon>(item);
if (testWeapon)
USkeletalMeshComponent* IMC = ConstructObject<USkeletalMeshComponent>(USkeletalMeshComponent::StaticClass(), this, "ItemMeshComponent");
IMC->SkeletalMesh = testWeapon->thirdPersonMesh;
ItemMeshComponent = IMC;
I created a BP that is derived of my Pickup Actor. When I drag the actor to the editor window, it shows the component, but as soon as I drop the actor, the editor crashes. This is the a pastebin of the Backtrace: > UE4Editor-Engine.dll!USceneComponent::OnComponentDestroyed() Zeile 669 C++ - Pastebin.com
Anybody having a clue, what I am doing wrong?