I created a Blueprint 3rd person project, but I need to use C++ for some things (remapping keys in-game).
Is it possible to add C++ to my BP project?
I don’t want to use the 3rd Person C++ template because I prefer to have all the game logic in Blueprints, only things I can’t do in BP have to be in C++.
You should be able to use the “Add Code to Project” option under “File” in the editor. This should generate the required project files to add code to your existing project.
some things to bear in mind working with source code…
The leters in front of classes are important U for Uobjects, A for AActors… F for the rest…
you can add items via visual studio BUT beware of the location … default location is something with …/intermediate… it must be “Project”/Source/“Project”
Is there a way to undo this? I have added 1 small function to my project this way, but I wish I hadn’t - it’s a hassle everytime I upgrade Engine version… can I clean it up somehow and remove that code?