Actors, such as props and devices, have been getting randomly removed from my UEFN Map

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



This issue has, well, bugged, be for quite a while now. Now it’s getting to the point where it’s getting infuriating.

This issue has been happening for quite a while now. Every time I open UEFN, random actors (such as props and devices) have been randomly disappearing from my map unexpectedly. I’d then have to replace the props, repeating the same process over and over, without getting anywhere close to being able to finishing my island.

Yesterday, my friend built HLODs - to solve a memory issue my map was having. Until I noticed something alarming, EVERY single device has been unexpectedly been removed from my map. Every Spawn Pad, Every Item Placer, Every Collectable and now any new devices that I place down suddenly use the old channel system?. My friends swears he didn’t do anything apart from building HLODs.

What has gone wrong? How do I fixed this issue?
Screenshots of the aftermath here: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

Steps to Reproduce

This has been happening randomly. Props disappear sometimes but not all the time.

However, This happened when I placed down devices for my map, then my friend - on another PC - built HLODs for me (which took 2+ hours). After building HLODs he updated Revision Control, I Synced to Latest, all of a sudden my devices randomly vanished

Expected Result

Like I said, this happens randomly and I have no idea how to accurately replicate this issue

Observed Result

All Devices get unexpectedly delete, and then they return to the old channel system


Then I want into Live Edit through my PS5 Console

I’ve just had the same thing happen to me and basically everything i made so far is gone and i cant get it back, hours and hours wasted and just thrown away by some dumb bug

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I have the same problem, it is too sad…It’s a waste of time…