Actors and light are invisible

When I try to make a game, I like to see the sprite of the lithe and the actors I add in the game.
But I cannot, and I can’t get it to so.
The light is ther, but the icon are invisible and will stay invisible nomater what I do.
Is this a bug or an in_game setting?
Can someone help me?

The icon of the light is shown as default in a new game so… are you referring that when you’re playing the game you can’t see it?

an actor is selectet on the image

and here is a ponit light selected as you can see.
Now how to I get it visible?

no, in the editor as you can see on the images i uploaded here

the engine whais in game view, so I was able to find you how to turn the icons on.
By pressin “G” on my keyboard