Actor won't cull when using r.ViewDistanceScale?

For testing purposes, I have made an actor with several cubes and a pointlight that currently sits 3300 units away from the camera.
I have made a slider that on “mouse capture end” executes r.ViewDistanceScale with a value equal to the slider’s value x10 and clamped to 0.01 and 10.

No matter where I set the slider, the actor is never culled.
What do I need to do to make the actor be culled?

Forgot to mention:
I am using version 4.25.1

Afaik you need to use Cull Distance Volume:…ume/index.html

I actually just figured out how to do it.
But the Cull Distance Volume was not needed. I just needed to set Rendering > LOD > Max Desired Draw Distance to a non-zero value for the components in the actor.
My slider now works properly.

Thanks anyway for the help.