Actor Tick misses component update?

Hi there,
I’ve coded a door that operates on a hinge (PhysicsConstraintComponent).

After the door has swung open and consequently swung back to it’s initial rotation, I am unable to stop it’s rotation if the door is moving too fast.

The code is basically this

		Door_Rotation = Component->GetComponentRotation();
		if ( Door_Rotation.Yaw == Initial_Rotation.Yaw )

So basically I can stop the door if it’s moving fairly slow, but if it’s moving too fast it will swing past it’s initial rotation.

The door is a physics enabled component and I am using an angular impulse to apply an opening and close force on the door.


I neglected to mention that I am rounding the Door_Rotation.Yaw & Initial_Rotation.Yaw float values to integers