Actor Position WS giving me different values if i attach material actor onto another actor

Hello, i don’t know if this is a bug or if it’s expected behavior, but Actor Position WS seems to be giving different values if i attach the actor that i use the material onto another actor. As an example i’m trying to do a sphere mask using Absolute World Position as A and Actor Position WS as B and i get different results when attaching to another actor, A didn’t change so that means it’s B that provided a different value. Shouldn’t Actor Position WS give me the world location of the actor that uses the material, then why is he giving the value for the parent? If this is intended, what can i do to bypass this because in earlier engine version i had this code working.

Hello it’s hard to say because i haven’t look at this feature for a while now, but i would say around 4.12 not sure. Yes i’m spawning a blueprint with a static mesh that uses the material then i attach it to another actor, but even a static mesh actor is enough to simulate this. I can make a video with the issue if you want.

Could you clarify a few things for me. First, what engine version was this still working in? Also, how are you attaching the actors? For example are you spawning a blueprint and then attaching it to another?

Hi xlar8tor,

Thank you for clarifying that. I have reproduced this issue and logged a report for it here: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-41826)

You can track the report’s status as the issue is reviewed by our development staff. Please be aware that this issue may not be prioritized or fixed soon.


for the quick reply :slight_smile:

Still present in 4.16. Sadly i used material to draw turrets range in world and my turrets are child actors.

I had a similar issue and found that the node I wanted to use instead of Actor Position is: Object Position.


Hope that helps!


Component Pivot Location is also helpful, as Object Position is based on the bounds center instead of an origin.

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