Okay so I am spawning my actor which is a TriggerBox (parent being ATriggerBox) from a main actor. In this Main actor I am spawning multiple Actors. The weird thing is that this TriggerBox appears in my world ( I have set the world location to be 0,0,0) and it works the on begin overlap and on on end overlap, and it prints me the logs that I collide with it, and also it appears to my characters, but I cannot see it in the world outliner, do you know maybe why is this happening?
All the other actors i am spawning from the main actors all of them are visible in the Outliner and in the world.
This is how I am spawning my trigger box:
FActorSpawnParameters SpawnParamsTriggerBox;
SpawnParamsTriggerBox.Owner = this;
SpawnParamsTriggerBox.Instigator = GetInstigator();
AMyTriggerBox* TriggerBox = World->SpawnActor<AMyTriggerBox>(CustomTriggerBox, { -50.0f, -50.0f, 100.0f }, FRotator::ZeroRotator, SpawnParamsTriggerBox);